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California child dies from flu and RSV

California child dies from flu and RSV


On Monday, the California Department of Public Health reported the season’s first deaths in children under the age of five from influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

State flu season hits levels in recent weeks not seen for years And it threatens to further strain healthcare systems already battling an onslaught of RSV cases and a still-strong coronavirus circulation.

“This tragic event is a stark reminder that respiratory viruses can be deadly, especially for very young children and infants,” said California Public Health Commissioner and Health Officer. A certain Dr. Thomas Aragon spoke of childhood deaths.

Influenza activity was thought to be high in California in the week ending November 5, the most recent span for which data are available. according to US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is his second most serious category on his five-point scale for government agencies.

Two weeks ago, statewide activity for flu-like illnesses was thought to be low.

The CDC’s assessment is based on surveillance of respiratory illness with cough and sore throat in addition to fever, as well as laboratory-confirmed flu cases.

According to the State Department of Public Health, California’s latest flu positive rate is 14%, well above levels at each point in the past five years.of rate It’s even worse in LA County, where it increased to 25% from 13% last week.

so far, california flu hotspot It is located in the southeast corner, which covers San Diego, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Imperial counties, according to state data.

and recent communicationthe Los Angeles County Department of Public Health wrote that health care providers “must be prepared for the possibility of flu epidemics this fall and winter.”

“All patients, especially those over the age of 65, should be encouraged to get both the flu vaccine and the latest fall COVID-19 booster as soon as possible at every medical visit,” the message continued. I was.

California reported 13 flu deaths from early October through November 5, 8 of whom were elderly.

According to the CDC, California is the only state on the West Coast to see increased flu activity early this season. but, some states — including New York, Connecticut, New Mexico, Colorado, Nebraska, Ohio, and Illinois — at high or very high levels.

officials have Consistently warned After two seasons of the pandemic slowing, a severe flu outbreak could return this year, urging residents to get vaccinated and take other measures to protect themselves.

These calls take on increasing urgency given the early punches RSV And the general expectation that the coronavirus could surge again this fall and winter.

“Knowing that we face the potential for multiple respiratory diseases to circulate at the same time and strain our healthcare system, we all know that we can work to prevent the spread of respiratory diseases. You can rest assured that you will be able to: Drop frequently touched surfaces down, stay at home if you’re not feeling well, and stay indoors especially when you’re around people who are especially prone to serious illness, with a snug fit and high filtration Please wear a mask,” LA County Public Health Director Barbara Feller said Thursday.

Children’s hospitals are busy deal with RSVit can cause serious illness and even death in young children and the elderly.

“Specifically, within California, we’re noticing higher rates within Southern California,” said Dr. Rohan Radhakrishna, deputy director of the California Department of Public Health. briefing to a medical professional last week.

As of early November, 33% of child specimens statewide were RSV positive, the highest rate at any point in California since the fall of 2019. data Presented by Radhakrishna.

Orange County, California’s third most populous health emergency Amid high levels of RSV and other respiratory illnesses, “need for pediatric hospitalization that exceeds the capacity and infrastructure of designated children’s hospitals.” Orange County is particularly vulnerable because it has only two primary children’s hospitals operated by Children’s Health of Orange County. Also, local hospitals may not always be able to accept pediatric patients transferred from other areas.

According to the Orange County Health Care Agency, an increase in flu cases and adult hospitalizations could exacerbate the situation.

“We cannot specifically say that flu hospitalizations are increasing because flu hospitalizations are not regularly reported.” I can [among adults] More to come in the coming weeks.They occupy beds that are also usually used by the elderly [pediatric] Patience. “

Given the current and projected demand for hospitals, state health officials said medical facilities would take “short-term measures to expand their capacity to evaluate and treat pediatric patients,” according to a statement from the California Department of Public Health. We recommend that you explore

“We are entering a busy winter virus season with RSV, influenza and COVID-19 prevalent and we urge parents and caregivers to vaccinate their children against influenza and COVID-19 as soon as possible. “It’s also important to follow basic prevention tips like washing your hands frequently, wearing a mask and staying home when sick to slow the spread of germs.”

Compared to Orange County, Los Angeles County reports a relatively low burden, partly because it has more children’s hospitals. Still, while Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, one of the major pediatric hospitals, can admit patients, the emergency room is so strained that it’s not always ready for transfers from other hospitals. There is no limit.

About 62% of LA County children’s hospital beds are occupied, up from 54% in early August. Additionally, 70% of beds in pediatric intensive care units are occupied, up from 61% a month ago.

“These numbers don’t mean the hospital is in dire straits right now, but we’re hearing anecdotes about hospitals and health care workers being stressed out,” said Ferrer.

Authorities also noted that hospital capacity could deteriorate rapidly in many facilities with only a few beds designed to treat children.

“As little as nine to 10 new hospital admissions could get a hospital ready for pediatric patients,” Ferrer said.




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