No ‘zombie virus’ — just a resurrected dormant virus
Excavating microorganisms from permafrost in Siberia not newResearchers have been working for years amid concerns that the ice caps will melt and release ancient, unknown bacteria and viruses into the world.However recent news A series of viruses resurrected from the permafrost made headlines as ‘zombie viruses’.
Scientists at the French National Center for Scientific Research have recovered and revived 13 viruses from Siberian permafrost. They used to lie dormant in the ice, but as global warming concerns grew and the ice melted, releasing potential infectious agents into the world, scientists began to revive them. A virus is a “zombie virus” only if it has “reanimated” from thousands of years of dormancy. However, this story stands on its own, and many speculate that the nature of the infections these viruses spread resembles a zombie outbreak.
moreover, findings Reports of the virus threat to the general public are premature, as it has not yet been peer-reviewed. Here’s how researchers used the term “zombie virus.”
“Although the literature on the rich and diverse prokaryotic microbiomes found in permafrost is extensive, since the two first studies describing pysoviruses (2014) and moriviruses (2015), little has been written about ‘living’ viruses. No additional reports have been published.This falsely suggests that such outbreaks are rare and that ‘zombie viruses’ are not a public health threat.”
What’s new about this discovery is that it is the earliest known example of a virus that can revert to an infected state. But this is characteristic of all viruses. Technically, all viruses are zombie viruses.
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Among scientists, viruses are alive or dead —because they occupy a unique position suspended between the two states. Since their discovery in the 19th century, they have been classified as everything from biological weapons to poisons to inanimate parasites. They display few life traits and reproduce by making copies of themselves, with the exception of one. In addition, they have no cells, do not metabolize energy, and cannot survive very long outside of a living host. Scientist E. Rybicki said that the virus “on the edge of life”
This means that the feeling about the ancient virus found in Siberia is misleading. It’s not the fact that the virus is a zombie, it’s that it can be infected despite its age. As dangerous as this may be, the important fact is that we still don’t know anything about the nature of the infections these viruses can induce.
“If the authors are indeed isolating live viruses from ancient permafrost, even smaller, simpler mammalian viruses may survive frozen for decades,” says virologist Eric Delwart said. Said new scientist.
Terminology is important. In the past, alarmist claims that the Covid19 vaccine would lead to a zombie apocalypse contributed to the danger. vaccine avoidance —and it was based on a CDC presentation that uses a zombie apocalypse as a fictional scenario to train people on emergency response. Covid19 creates zombie cells caused a similar panic — nevertheless “zombie cells” A term given to senescent cells that cause disease in the body.
The virus itself is strange, immortal, inert Even without a host, it is contained in the permafrost. In an age of misinformation, conspiracy theories, and fake news, naming a particular virus in such a way as to identify it as “Zombie His Virus” is irresponsible at best and dangerous at worst.
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