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AIDS 2020: Researchers Explain Potential HIV Remission Cases and New Ways to Prevent Infection


The scientists presented at the conference said that a Brazilian man may be the first to experience long-term HIV remission after being treated with antiviral drug therapy alone, rather than with stem cell transplant. According to scientists, he was diagnosed with HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS, and there were no signs of the virus eight years ago. However, this finding only covers one patient, and the study has not been published.

Since the AIDS epidemic began in the 1980s, Two persons The stem cell transplant removed the HIV virus in the long run. Stem cell therapy for HIV is complex, risky, and can leave people vulnerable to infection. Research found.. Also, it may not work because the body may reject the transplant.

In a case discussed with researchers from the Federal University of Sao Paulo, a 34-year-old man at the start of the study was expected to have 30 participants from a clinical trial investigating treatments and potentially find treatments. It was For HIV.

One-fifth of men enrolled in this trial in 2016 were “very fortified” antiretroviruses with the drugs dolutegravir and maraviroc, 500 mg nicotinamide (a type of vitamin B3) twice daily. I received therapy for 48 weeks.

In this study, researchers monitored and measured the viral DNA that could be detected in each participant. The researchers noted that the man discontinued treatment in March 2019 and was tested every three weeks for viral DNA for up to 57 weeks thereafter. Researchers found that by 57 weeks his total HIV DNA was “undetectable,” and his HIV antibody test remained negative.

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“It’s still an isolated case, but it may represent the first long-term remission of HIV without myeloablation/stem cell transplant,” the researchers wrote in an abstract. “Further analysis is ongoing, including virus culture and sequential HIV antibody profile/detection.”

This study has some limitations, including only one-further investigation is needed to determine if other people receiving the same treatment have similar findings. And further investigation is needed to determine the duration of remission. Also, even if a man was diagnosed with HIV in 2012, the exact duration of his infection with the virus is unknown.

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Prior to the study, men had been using antiviral drugs regularly for two years, said Dr. Ricardo Diaz of the University of São Paulo, who was involved in the study.

The latest data, “he couldn’t detect the viral load,” Diaz said at a virtual press conference on Tuesday.

Injections can prevent HIV more effectively than daily tablets, studies say

Another study focused on HIV prevention on Tuesday at AIDS 2020. With new research Injection of the investigational drug, cabotegravir, every eight weeks was more effective in preventing HIV than daily oral medications.

The second HIV cure hasn't been infected with an active virus after two years
In 2019, there will be 1.7 million new HIV diagnoses worldwide, and 38 million will live with HIV. UNAIDS organization..

There were 690,000 deaths due to AIDS in 2019, but these deaths According to the United Nations, it has decreased by 39% since 2010. Part of this is due to increased access to antiretroviral therapy, as well as drugs that can prevent new infections.

In this latest study, Pre-exposure prophylaxis, Or PrEP-Daily oral drug Truvada-Cabotegravir injection every 8 weeks. The injection was 66% More effective in preventing HIV From oral medication. The study has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal.
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Survey contains more than 4,500 Cis gender Men and transgender women having sex with men at 43 sites around the world. There are also ongoing studies investigating the effects of injectable cabotegravir in cisgender women.

Both PrEP tablets and injections were effective. HIV prevalence was generally low with 52 participants. Thirteen people who received the injections were infected with HIV, and 39 people who took the drug daily were infected with HIV.

According to the study summary, cabotegravir is the first proven HIV PrEP injection. This drug has not yet been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment or prevention of HIV.

Most participants in the Cabotegravir study group received injections as scheduled, with only 2.2% discontinuing injections.

Daily tablet adherence in the study According to a press release from the National Institutes of Health, which sponsored the study, it was considered expensive, but “taking a pill every day can be difficult.” “Long-acting PrEP may be an infrequent and potentially discreet option, and may be more desirable for some people.”


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