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Flu vaccine seems to match circulating strains very well, according to CDC

Flu vaccine seems to match circulating strains very well, according to CDC
Flu vaccine seems to match circulating strains very well, according to CDC


This year’s flu shots appear to “match very well” with the circulating strains, Dr. Rochelle Wallenski, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said at a news briefing Monday. , she pointed out that flu vaccinations have been delayed than usual. Related video above: Doctors explain low flu vaccination rates despite high activity The number of people seriously ill from influenza has decreased by about 12% since the same point in 2021. Wallenski said he is down 5% compared to before the COVID-19 pandemic. In a typical year, about 60% of American adults are vaccinated against influenza.In the United States, hospitalization rates have reached levels not normally seen until December or January. The good news is that it looks like a very good match, Wallenski said of the early start of the respiratory virus season. “We see a 35% reduction in hospitalization rates even when strains are not closely matched … which underscores how effective it can be when good matches are obtained.” CDC Nearly 20,000 people in the U.S. were hospitalized with the flu during the week of Thanksgiving, nearly double the number of hospitalizations the week before, according to data from . The week after Thanksgiving. But COVID-19 is no longer the only virus-burdening hospital. Only 5% of the U.S. population lives in areas considered to have high COVID-19 community levels. level above COVID-19 to include the impact of other viruses such as influenza that spread its community.Sick people should stay at home, away from others, cough and cough frequently. Good hygiene should be practiced, including hand washing, quality masks should be used, and indoor spaces should be well ventilated. Treatment is available. Physician Dr Sandra Freihofer says it’s important to get tested even if you’ve been vaccinated, but flu antivirals don’t work against COVID-19. Of key drug shortages during this rough viral season, Wallenski said, “The CDC is reporting nationwide shortages of both antivirals and antibiotics. We are aware that the FDA is working with manufacturers to explore what we can do to address this.” She also urged doctors not to prescribe antibiotics for illness caused by the virus. William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, said he and his colleagues were surprised by the sharp rise in flu cases this season. They also wondered what might have caused it. In the same way, he said he likely lost some of his immunity to the virus. It has to do with our actions in the past that open up our lives, such as doing whatever we need to do. Flu vaccines are great at preventing serious consequences, but they’re not very effective at stopping the spread of the virus,” he said. Schaffner said flu hospitalizations are likely to increase as the virus hits older people. Overall, there’s a tendency to get “vaccines are less effective among the population we want to protect most, the elderly. That’s because the immune system of older people is much weaker than that of younger people.” Because,” Schaffner says, high-dose vaccines for the elderly are preferred because they give this age group more protection.

This year’s flu shots appear to “match very well” with the circulating strains, Dr. Rochelle Wallenski, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said at a news briefing Monday. , she noted that flu vaccinations have lagged the pace of previous years.

Related video above: Doctors explain low flu vaccination rates despite high activity

Until the end of October CDC data Vaccinations among pregnant women, a group more susceptible to severe illness from influenza, show a decline of about 12% from the same point in 2021.

Vaccination coverage among the elderly, the age group most likely to be hospitalized with influenza, has declined by about 3 percentage points since October 2021.

According to Wallenski, children’s flu vaccinations are down about 5% compared to before the COVID-19 pandemic.

About 60% of American adults get the flu shot each year.

flu hits america

Flu season has gotten off to an early and severe start in the United States, with hospitalization rates reaching levels not typically seen until December or January.

“Of course, we’re looking in real time to see how well the flu match is doing with what’s going on right now. The good news is that it looks like it’s going to be a very good match.” season.

She said the CDC will get more definitive data later in the season, but the data are encouraging.

Wallenski says that even when the vaccine is not closely matched to the circulating influenza strain, “we see a 35% reduction in hospitalization rates … This shows how well the vaccine is matched when it is properly matched. It emphasizes whether it is effective. Be it.”

Nearly 20,000 people in the United States were hospitalized with the flu this Thanksgiving week, almost double the number of hospitalizations the week before, according to CDC data.

Hospitalizations for COVID-19 are on the rise as well, up 27% in the week after Thanksgiving. But COVID-19 is no longer the only virus straining hospitals.

Only 5% of the US population lives in areas considered to have high COVID-19 community levels.

Wallenski said Monday that the CDC is “actively considering” expanding the community level beyond COVID-19 to include the impact of other viruses such as influenza.

“In the meantime, my point is that you don’t have to wait for CDC action to wear a mask.

Sick people should stay home and away from others, practice good hygiene, including covering their coughs, washing their hands frequently, using high-quality masks, and improving ventilation in indoor spaces.

treatment is possible

Dr. Sandra Freihofer, president of the American Medical Association and an Atlanta internist, says it’s important to get tested if you’re sick, even if you’ve been vaccinated. increase.

If you have COVID-19 or the flu, you have both antivirals. But flu antivirals don’t work against his COVID-19.

“It’s going to be a season of confusing respiratory infections, and figuring out what’s making people sick is going to be a challenge,” Freihofer said.

“The CDC is aware of reports of nationwide shortages of both antivirals and antibiotics,” Wallenski said in response to questions about shortages of key medicines during this rough virus season. We know the FDA is at work… working with manufacturers to consider what they can do to address this.”

She also urged doctors not to prescribe antibiotics for illnesses caused by viruses.

Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, said he and his colleagues were surprised by the sharp rise in flu cases this season. I was wondering what was causing the

He may have lost some of his immunity to the virus as the country returned to more normal patterns of travel and activity after two years of low flu activity in the United States. It says high.

“Part of that is avoiding the flu and now opening our lives to activities like travel, religious services, family gatherings, going out to recreational facilities, doing all the things we need to do, the past. It has to do with our behavior in the 1980s. They divided us into groups,” he said.

He said flu vaccines are great at preventing serious consequences, but they don’t do much to stop the spread of the virus.

“It keeps you out of emergency rooms, hospitals, intensive care units, and graveyards. It’s not very good at blocking infections, and it’s not very good at preventing minor infections,” he said.

Flu hospitalizations are likely to increase as the virus hits older people, Schaffner said.

“Vaccines are less effective among the population we want to protect most, the elderly, because their immune systems are much weaker than those of younger people.”

Schaffner noted that there are high-dose vaccines for older people, and this age group is preferred for added protection.




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