Why are so many women in their 20s getting type 2 diabetes?
The number of people under the age of 40 diagnosed with type 2 diabetes jumped 23% from about 120,000 in 2016-17 to 148,000 in 2020-21. According to Diabetes UKAnd the trend is only going to continue, with analysts at the charity warning that the number of people aged 18-39 living with the condition could reach 200,000 by 2027.
The charity’s chief executive, Chris Askew, described the forecast as “an incredibly troubling one.” stylist “It marks a significant change from what we’ve seen historically.”
Although it is usually diagnosed in middle age, experts warn that if the disease is diagnosed in adolescence or early adulthood, it is likely to have a negative impact on diabetes and heart health.
What is the difference between type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes?
There are two types of diabetes:
type 1
people often find that they have type 1 diabetesan autoimmune condition early in life in which your body is unable to make insulin. It is a lifelong disease that requires injections of insulin to manage.
type 2
Type 2 diabetes usually develops over time and is often (but not always) lifestyle-related. Again, either your body is not making enough insulin or the insulin it produces isn’t working properly. .
About 9 out of 10 people with diabetes in the UK have type 2 diabetes.
Why are more young women developing type 2 diabetes?
Esther Walden, a diabetes specialist nurse and Diabetes UK Senior Clinical Advisor, believes several factors are at play.
“There are several factors that could influence the increase in young people with type 2 diabetes. Government-recommended physical activity goals (150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week) and the serious health inequalities that exist in parts of the UK. ”
These factors will only intensify as the cost of living crisis hits. His ONS survey last week found that 58% of people living in poorer neighborhoods are spending less on food and essentials this winter due to rising prices. Meanwhile, a recent survey of 8,000 people found that almost half of women in the UK do not exercise regularly.47% of people say they haven’t done any strenuous exercise, such as jogging or a gym class, on a weekly basis in the past year.
Shannon Ball, 26, was diagnosed with diabetes about 10 years ago while in college. She experienced most of the undiagnosed type 2 classic ‘4 Ts’ symptoms. is thirsty And feel tired more often.
“After college, I fell asleep on the couch and Nan found it really hard to wake me up,” she recalls.
Ball was still in college when she got her diagnosis, but having someone with her for her first appointment made the process easier, she says. she asked on my behalf. What does that mean?
After the diagnosis, Ball became overwhelmed and depressed. She found her meal planning particularly difficult. “The mental side of things has been a really difficult change for me. A weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I’ve fallen into a depressive phase,” she says.
“At first, I was worried about how different foods would affect my health, so it was pretty scary to think about what to cook.”
She also worries about being judged, which she said initially prevented her from opening up. “It took me a while to even come to my diagnosis. I had to take medication for college, so if someone asked me, I would say, ‘Yeah, because of my medical condition.'” Me didn’t say what he had. ”
Type 2 diabetes may be on the rise in people under the age of 40, but given that it’s a disease that is often associated with older people and their lifestyles, it’s hard for young women to be open about their diagnosis. It can be difficult.
Ball says he found community and hope in online forums. There, she was able to connect with young people who were going through the same things as she was.
“Discovering that I wasn’t the only one experiencing depression and food anxiety was very important,” she explains. That was a really big help.”
Over time, she has felt empowered to begin raising awareness of type 2 diabetes to help others who are struggling to come to terms with their new health realities.
How to reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes
Walden said diabetes prevention likely coincides with what people are already doing to protect their health: eating healthy and living an active life.
But she points out that people of Black African, Caribbean, or South Asian descent may be at a higher risk of developing diabetes than other people. Metabolic conditions like PCOS Also, keep in mind that it may not necessarily be due to lifestyle factors, as it may increase your risk.
“Know your risks,” advises Walden. “This is especially important as it involves ethnicity and genetics, and using validated tools takes these factors into account. please. diabetes prevention program”
They may recommend making minor adjustments to nutrition, increasing physical activity, or prescribing stress management if needed.
Type 2 diabetes can be managed on submission
What’s really important to know is the fact that the disease is both preventable and treatable. In fact, with good management, diabetes can go into remission.It doesn’t mean you’re permanently “cured”, but your blood concentration To the “normal” range that does not require drugs.
More research is needed on remission, but most charities and experts agree that lifestyle changes can help lower blood sugar levels.
If you think you may be at risk for type 2 diabetes, talk to your doctor about getting a diagnosis.
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