Hospitalizations for both COVID-19, flu surge across Florida
As more and more Floridians are hospitalized with COVID-19, the seasonal flu is catching up.
The number of COVID-positive patients statewide has increased by almost 50% in the past month, while hospitalizations for the flu have more than doubled.
Medical staff across Florida cared for 1,504 COVID patients on Friday, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported. This is up from 1,020 on November 9th.
Meanwhile, there were 469 flu hospitalizations statewide, an exponential increase from 219 a month ago.
This winter, Florida and the country are experiencing a surge in COVID infections caused by the Omicron variant of the coronavirus, which first emerged around this time last year.
The flu has proven stronger this year than last year, with more people hospitalized. For every flu patient across Florida, about 3 people are infected with her COVID. That ratio was about 13 to 1 at this time last year.
Last year, on all but a few days, fewer than 100 people were hospitalized with the flu. Inadequate influenza vaccination and lack of natural exposure to the virus during the COVID pandemic are responsible for the disease’s new efficacy.
“Influenza vaccine uptake this year has been pretty low,” said infectious disease expert Dr. Larry Bush, former president of the Palm Beach County Medical Association.
“People are reluctant to get vaccinated right now. “Some people said, ‘I got too many vaccines this year.'”
Some patients say they have never had the flu and don’t think they need the flu shot.
“That goes for any disease,” he said.
COVID-19 chartCOVID-19 Charts: Latest Florida Data
Last week’s reportCOVID hospitalizations rise again in Florida after Thanksgiving
Flu vaccines are available at most pharmacies nationwide. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, he’s safe in nearly all cases with his latest COVID vaccinations.
Another factor exacerbating the dangers of current influenza strains is, ironically, the lack of natural immunity in people caused by measures aimed at protecting them from COVID.
Social distancing, masking, and self-isolation have helped people avoid the flu. It became infected.
“If there weren’t many cases of flu in the last few years, people would have lower immunity just from being exposed,” Bush said.
COVID cases up 41% month-to-date
Meanwhile, the number of COVID infections is surging again.
Health officials in Florida recorded more than 18,000 new COVID infections last week, the CDC reported Friday. This is the highest since the week ending September 22nd and is a 41% increase from the week ending December 1st.
Omicron variants such as the BQ and BF strains are responsible for the latest wave of new infections statewide and nationwide. The latest COVID vaccine, approved by the federal government in late August, looks more like the latest Omicron strain than the original virus from Wuhan, China, where the first shots were taken from 2020. Built to fight variants.
Cases and hospitalizations may be on the rise, but it’s still not enough for the CDC to recommend indoor masking in any Florida county to avoid straining local hospitals.
COVID has infected approximately 7.3 million Florida residents. As of Friday, the CDC put Florida’s latest COVID death toll at 83,195. But that number is six fewer than the figure released by the state health department on December 2 in its biweekly pandemic report.
Florida’s COVID vaccination coverage continues to lag behind the national average. The CDC reported this week that only 9% of state residents have the latest vaccinations, compared to 13.5% nationwide.
Also, only 24% of Florida residents over the age of 65 have the latest vaccine, tying Georgia as the fifth-worst state in the nation.
About 34% of seniors nationwide are up to date on their COVID vaccinations.
The Biden administration has warned it will continue to give free shots to most people who ask for them until next year, when federal funding runs out. Most pharmacies offer it. Insured persons walking to get them can be vaccinated on the spot.
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