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Parkinson’s disease is more common than you think.Toxins may contribute to increased rates

Parkinson’s disease is more common than you think.Toxins may contribute to increased rates


Parkinson's disease

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Parkinson’s disease hits nearly 90,000 older Americans annually, 30,000 more than previously estimated, according to a study released Thursday.

Incidence rates varied across the country.States with higher proportions of older people saw more disease diagnoses the risk usually increases with age, but so did some “rust belt” states in the Northeast and Midwest with a history of heavy industrial manufacturing.

Rising rates of Parkinson’s disease, rising treatment costs, and declining incomes mean that everyone is directly or indirectly affected by the disease, says a neurologist at the University of Florida School of Medicine in Gainesville. Director Michael Okun, Ph.D.

“A disease like this can overwhelm the healthcare system.” However, he serves as a medical advisor to the Parkinson Foundation. “This is something we should all pay attention to.”

What is Parkinson’s disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative syndrome in which brain circuits involved in movement, thinking and behavior are slowly lost. In addition to anxiety, depression and sleep disturbances, it can cause tremors, stiffness, sluggishness and falls.

Celebrities diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease include actors Michael J. Fox and Alan Alda, boxer Muhammad Ali, and singers Linda Ronstadt and Neil Diamond.

How many people have Parkinson’s disease?

A new study found that 90,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease each year, up from previous estimates of 60,000. The findings are likely an underestimate because they are based on five of his previous prevalence studies that include data through 2012, Okun said.

Studies show that men are almost twice as likely to be diagnosed as women, and the incidence generally increases with age, starting in the sixth decade of life.

A 2018 study by Parkinson’s Prevalence Project estimated that 930,000 people in the United States will have Parkinson’s disease by 2020 and 1.2 million by 2030, largely due to an aging population.

Identifying incidence rates could help persuade lawmakers to allocate more money to companies investing in Parkinson’s research and treatments, says study co-author and chief scientific officer of the Parkinson’s Foundation. CEO Jim Beck said. J. Fox Foundation and Institute for Clinical Evaluation Science.

“Using this data, “We need to rethink the funding of Parkinson’s disease and its impact on society.”

Why are rates increasing?

The simplest answer is that Americans are getting older. This probably explains the rising rates in states like Florida, a destination for retirees.

There is also a strange relationship between smoking and Parkinson’s disease, with heavy smokers less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease, Beck said.

Parkinson’s disease rates are rising as smoking rates decline, but rather than cigarettes themselves being protective, smoking may be an indicator of something else, he said.

Increases in places like Ohio and Pennsylvania may be driven by a variety of factors, including increased awareness and environmental toxicity from heavy industry.

Could environmental factors also play a role?

Research is still in its infancy, but Parkinson’s expert Ray Dorsey has concluded that the disease progresses more rapidly than aging, likely due to environmental factors.

Several studies have implicated the pesticide paraquat, although not all studies have confirmed the relationship. or had been exposed to paraquat before developing Parkinson’s disease, but an identifiable genetic cause of the disease.

Air pollution can also increase the risk of Parkinson’s disease, Dorsey says, as can the degreasers trichlorethylene and TCE.

Why is the distribution of this case important?

Knowing where Parkinson’s disease is most likely to occur will help authorities direct funding and care, Beck said. mosquito?”

Areas with high incidence may also be targeted for research and trial recruitment, he said.

How Much Does Parkinson’s Disease Cost in America?

Each Parkinson’s family spends about $26,000 a year out of their own pocket to deal with the disease, Beck said.

Previous research, such as by the Michael J. Fox Foundation, found that Parkinson’s disease costs $52 billion annually, rising to $80 billion annually by 2037.

of We currently spend over $200 million annually to combat Parkinson’s disease. But Okun says $3 billion in annual investments are needed to find viable treatments, better understand the disease and hopefully learn how to prevent it.

more It will also help attract more scientific talent to the field, Beck said. “Parkinson’s doesn’t have a lot of money, and if research proves difficult to do, they’ll go elsewhere.”

(c)2022 USA Today
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Quote: Parkinson’s is more common than you think. Retrieved 15 Dec 2022 from

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