Which precautions will help keep the virus at bay this Christmas? Explained by Dr. Leana Wen
(CBS/CNN) — Families around the world gather to celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Year’s Eve and other winter holidays.
Unfortunately, these celebrations are taking place during multiple virus outbreaks.
several weeks, children’s hospital overwhelmed by a faster than usual rise respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) When influenzaCovid-19 cases are also increasing. CNN analysis Hospitals have shown they are performing better now than they did during the coronavirus pandemic as a whole.
What can families do before holiday gatherings and what measures can they take to keep the virus at bay during the festivities? When should everyone wear a mask?How can I reduce my risk of getting sick during a flight or transit? Postponement of travel And holiday celebrations? Also, what should I do if I become ill after the meeting?
To answer these questions, we spoke with CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Leana Wen. Dr. Leana Wen is an emergency physician and public health expert, George She is Professor of Health Policy and Management at the University of Washington Milken Institute School of Public Health. She is also the author of “.Lifeline: A Physician’s Journey in the Battle for Public Health,” said the former Baltimore City Health Commissioner.
CNN: What can families do now to keep holiday gatherings as long as possible?
AS Dr. Liana Wen: Staying fit is always important, especially before holidays. Even if people aren’t so concerned about getting sick, they may be infected just before a much-anticipated holiday gathering, or for fear of passing the virus on to their elderly loved ones or other high-risk family members and friends at the event. I don’t want to miss
My advice is to first identify which gatherings are most important to attend. Count backwards from the beginning of these events. About five days to a week before that first event, try the following: Reduces risk of contracting respiratory viruses as possible.
This includes frequent hand washing, especially after touching frequently used surfaces. Wear a high quality her N95 or equivalent respirator in indoor crowded environments. And try to reduce social gatherings without masks during this period.
If you haven’t received it yet, flu vaccine or Updated Covid-19 booster, do not delay. Vaccines reach optimal protection about two weeks after vaccination, although slightly shorter time to event provides additional protection.
We also encourage you to discuss this with all households that are gathering with you. Ideally, everyone in the gathering should also mitigate risk. If vulnerable individuals are expected at gatherings, everyone should agree not to attend if they develop symptoms such as fever or cough.
CNN: What measures will help keep the virus at bay during gatherings?
Wen: Many respiratory infections such as influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, and common cold are spread primarily through dropletsDroplets are expelled when someone coughs or sneezes. This is why it is important to encourage people not to attend if they have symptoms, and why good hand hygiene is important.
Coronaviruses are airborne and spread through tiny droplets called aerosols. good ventilation Helps reduce the spread of Covid-19 and other respiratory viruses. If you live in a temperate climate environment, consider hosting outdoor gatherings. Less risk than indoors.
If outdoor is not possible, consider setting. Can you choose a larger space where people don’t need to be crowded? Can you leave some windows and doors open and run a HEPA filter to improve ventilation?
Especially with Covid-19, you can also reduce your risk by having everyone take a quick antigen test at home on the same day as the gathering. You can also choose to
Wearing a mask also reduces the risk. Some people, particularly those with compromised immune systems or other chronic underlying medical conditions, may wish to wear a mask during gatherings, but when food and drink are involved , which is often difficult.
CNN: Many people need to travel to be with loved ones. What can be done to reduce the risk of getting sick on planes and while traveling?
Wen: Airports, train stations and bus stations can be expected to be very busy during the holidays. Plan ahead to reduce the risk of these crowds. If your goal is to stay safe while on vacation, masking in these settings is highly recommended. It’s recommended that you put your mask back on in these crowds so you don’t have to miss holiday gatherings.
high quality respiratory maskN95, KN95, KF94, etc. are very protective against splashes. If you don’t already have one, find a mask that you can comfortably wear for long periods of time while traveling. Take some with you in case they get dirty or out of shape.
It is recommended that people wear masks at all times while moving around. If masks make you uncomfortable, wear them at least in the highest-risk situations. For example, when you’re crammed with dozens of other people waiting to board a plane.
CNN: Who wants to consider postponing travel or holiday celebrations?
Wen: The threat of respiratory infections requires a weighing of risks and benefits. For most generally healthy people, the benefits of holiday gatherings, including the social and mental health benefits, far outweigh the potential risks, especially if you’ve been vaccinated against flu or Covid-19.
Calculations may differ for some individuals who are particularly vulnerable to severe consequences. These individuals may need to evaluate each event individually. Taking precautions ahead of time, Covid-19 testing at the door, and small gatherings with relatives face-to-face in a well-ventilated area are far less risky than, say, New Year’s Eve celebrations. Not with hundreds of people.
Travel is generally not a major concern. One-way masking with quality respirators can be very effective in protecting the wearer. I’m far more concerned about the risk of gathering when people come together.
Those who are particularly vulnerable should clarify the precautions in advance with the host. Importantly, if an event turns out to be a higher risk than expected, they should feel the power to leave.
CNN: What if I get sick while traveling?
Wen: This is a very important point. Everyone should have a plan for what to do if they develop a viral illness while traveling. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has Checklist What the Covid-19 plan looks like. This includes, for example, making sure you’ve had enough tests at home, talking to your doctor about whether you’re at high risk, and making a treatment plan. antiviral drug paxlovid.
Covid-19 isn’t the only epidemic going around, so also plan for what would happen if you or someone in your party got the flu or some other respiratory infection. Do you know where you can? If your young child is sick, can you isolate them with them and take time off from work if necessary?
With many viruses prevalent this holiday season, there are also many tools that can help reduce the risk of contracting the virus and becoming seriously ill. to prevent viruses from interfering with your holiday celebrations.
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