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How Your Child’s Lungs, Immune System Are Protected From Serious Covid-19


Houston: Studies that shed light on the biological processes behind deadly infections found that differences in lung physiology and immune function in children spared adults of severe COVID-19-related illnesses in adults It may explain why it often happens.

Scientists, including the University of Texas Health Sciences Center (UTHealth) in Houston, USA, said that children under 18 accounted for 22% of the US population, but about 1.7% of the first 1%, 49,082. COVID-19 example In the country belonged to this age group.

“These significant reductions in symptomatic infections, hospitalization, and mortality far exceed statistical significance, require further investigation, and may hold the key to identifying therapeutic agents,” he said. The researcher is the American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology.

They said a human molecule called angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, or ACE2, acts as a door that enables novels Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 to cells is less common in the lungs of children than in adults.

“ACE2 is important in virus entry and increases with age, so it seems less common in children,” said Matthew Harting, co-author of UT Health’s study.

Scientists say that, in addition to low ACE2 receptors, children’s immune system responds differently to the adult virus, and pediatric patients have less chance of severe disease.

By way of example, they said that there is retention of T cells in the child’s immune system. And it can repel or limit inflammation.

“T cells have viral and immunomodulatory responses. We found that in severe cases of adult COVID-19 patients, their T cells were reduced and their ability to fight the virus was also reduced. Harry Karmouty-Quintana, another co-author of UT Health’s work.

“In children, they can still prevent the virus because their T cells appear to be maintained,” Karmouty-Quintana said.

According to the researchers, the lung tissue of children is naturally high in regulator T cells.

They said that patients with higher levels of T cells also have higher levels of intercellular signaling molecules called interleukin 10 (IL-10), also known as a human cytokine synthesis inhibitor.

“IL-10 suppresses the inflammation of other components that are harmful, such as IL-6. Adults tend to experience hyperinflammatory conditions while children do not,” said Karmouty-Quintana.

“Preclinical studies in mice have also shown that IL-10 decreases with age,” he added.

Scientists believe that cooperation between adult and pediatric donors is really important for comparing the behavior of the virus in younger children to the observations made in the elderly.

This story was published from the wire transfer feed with no changes to the text. Only the headline has changed.

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