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Post-COVID inflammation can cause loss of sense of smell, new study finds

Post-COVID inflammation can cause loss of sense of smell, new study finds
Post-COVID inflammation can cause loss of sense of smell, new study finds


Jamie Lee

Additionally, India recommends masks and calls to stop universal COVID testing before visiting hospitals

Curious about why you lost your sense of smell after being infected with COVID-19? A small new study may have the answer.

The study, published Wednesday in Science Translational Medicine, found a link to inflammation in the olfactory system, which includes the nose and nasal passages. That’s our olfactory ability.

It has long been a mystery that some people with COVID lose their sense of taste and smell. In some cases, people have lost their sense of smell for years after recovering from COVID. Doctors call this “dysosmia.”

Based on an analysis of 24 biopsies of nasal tissue from people who had recovered from COVID, patients who reported loss of sense of smell had fewer olfactory sensory neurons than those who could smell normally. were from patients with long-term loss of the sense of smell.

“We think the loss of sensory neurons is almost certainly related to inflammation,” says Brad Goldstein, one of the study’s co-authors and a sinus surgeon at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. told the Wall Street Journal, Dr.

Studies have shown that T cell-mediated inflammation can persist in the olfactory system long after infection. T cells, like antibodies, are part of the body’s immune response to COVID infection.

Another study, published earlier this month in PLOS One and conducted by researchers at Columbia University, made similar findings, citing antibodies as a reason for the loss of smell. “This suggests that there is a strong anti-Spike IgG response in individuals experiencing loss of smell and taste during infection,” the researchers concluded.

COVID news you should know:

— Stop COVID testing of patients before surgery. This is a new recommendation from the Health Care Epidemiology of America, which says there are “unclear benefits” to universally screening asymptomatic patients before visiting a hospital.

— Chinese hospitals expect millions of new COVID cases. A Shanghai hospital has told employees to prepare for what it calls a “tragic battle” with the new coronavirus, which will sicken half of the city’s 25 million residents by the end of next week, according to Reuters. reportedly instructed.

— India prepares for COVID surge. The country’s health minister has told people to start wearing masks again and get boosters, according to the BBC. Cases in India remain low. However, the country is paying close attention to the surge in infections in China.

— Monoclonal antibody receives full FDA approval. The Food and Drug Administration has given full approval to Roche Holding’s Actemra, a rheumatoid arthritis treatment for adults hospitalized with severe COVID. Received emergency clearance.

— COVID infections in the United States are still on the rise. The seven-day average of daily new COVID cases surged to a 15-week high of 67,491 on Wednesday, the highest since Sept. 8, according to the New York Times tracker. , Michigan saw a 378% increase, Georgia a 127% increase, and Rhode Island a 105% increase. COVID-related hospitalizations increased by 8% to 40,129 in two weeks, and daily average deaths were 413, an increase of 21% in two weeks.

– Jamie Lee


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