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To reduce risk of heart disease, keep total cholesterol below 200 and avoid saturated fat: experts

To reduce risk of heart disease, keep total cholesterol below 200 and avoid saturated fat: experts


Cholesterol and triglyceride levels, diet, lifestyle and exercise are factors that determine heart health. Experts say you should maintain optimal levels of cholesterol and triglycerides and avoid saturated fats to ensure a healthy heart and prevent heart disease.

They should also eat a balanced, nutritious diet and exercise regularly to reduce the risk of heart attack and cardiac arrest.

Here’s what experts say about the correct levels of cholesterol and triglycerides to maintain, and what foods you should eat for a healthy heart.

What cholesterol levels are at risk for heart disease?

Total cholesterol, when it exceeds the range of 200 to 250 milligrams per deciliter, is considered to be at a high risk level and can cause heart disease, said an assistant professor of cardiology at Amrita Hospital in Faridabad. Dr. Mohit Bhutani told ABP Live. “If you have LDL cholesterol, also known as bad cholesterol, above 190mg/dl, your risk of developing heart disease is said to be very high.

Triglyceride levels at risk of heart disease

Triglyceride levels below 150 mg/dl are considered normal, 150-250 mg/dl is considered borderline, and above 200 mg/dl the higher range. “Therefore, he should aim to keep triglyceride levels below 150 or 200 mg/dl,” he added.

Cholesterol and triglycerides maintained to ensure a healthy heart

LDL cholesterol should be below 100 mg/dl and triglycerides should be below 150 mg/dl to ensure a healthy heart, says Dr. Bhutani. “Total cholesterol he should be below 200 mg/dl,” he added.

Cases where people living a healthy lifestyle are at risk of heart disease

Even if you eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, have a good lifestyle, avoid stress, avoid alcohol and smoking, and have normal cholesterol levels, you are still at risk for heart disease.

Also read | Strenuous exercise is fine only if you are regular.Otherwise it’s not good for your heart, experts say

“Even if these modifiable risk variables could be effectively controlled, some genetic predispositions and inherited diseases, including uncontrolled diabetes, hypertension, or atherosclerosis, can be passed on in families.” Therefore, a family history of cardiac death or coronary artery disease should also be maintained.It is recommended that a lipid profile be performed every 5 years after age 20. In addition to cardiomyopathy and channel disturbances. Some diseases can also run in families, such as,” said Dr. Bhutani.

Dietary Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Differences, and Foods Containing Them

Dietary cholesterol is the cholesterol that comes from diets such as liver meat, organ meats, egg yolks, shellfish, and dairy products, Dr. Bhutani said.

“Saturated fats are solid at room temperature and can be found in foods such as butter, ghee, fried or grilled foods, and high-fat meats,” he added.

What should I avoid to reduce my risk of heart disease, dietary cholesterol, or saturated fat? Why?

Saturated fats should be avoided because they throw off the balance between good and bad cholesterol, Dr. Bhutani said.

“Sufficient amounts of dietary cholesterol are necessary for neuronal insulation and cell membrane formation, but if the saturated fat content of the diet is higher than average, the risk of heart disease is increased,” Dr. Bhutani added. rice field.

Best exercises to maintain a healthy heart and prevent heart disease

People are advised to exercise 150 minutes a week. “It should consist of cardio and resistance training.-ups can be done in two days not consecutive weeks,” he said Dr. Bhutani.

Best Foods to Maintain a Healthy Heart and Prevent Heart Disease

A balanced diet is important to maintain heart health and prevent heart disease. “A balanced diet to prevent heart disease, also known as the Mediterranean diet, consists of low-calorie foods such as fresh fruit, green vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole grains. Moderate. You can consume moderate amounts of dairy, eggs, fish, lean chicken, or seafood,” Dr. Bhutani said.

Check out the health tools below −
Calculate your body mass index (BMI)

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