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In mouse model, scientists develop cancer vaccine that kills brain tumors – Harvard Gazette

In mouse model, scientists develop cancer vaccine that kills brain tumors – Harvard Gazette


the scientist Brigham and Women’s Hospital It uses a new method to turn cancer cells into powerful anticancer drugs.

From Khalid Shah’s lab, BWH researchers at Harvard University have developed new cell therapy approaches to eliminate established tumors, induce long-term immunity, and train the immune system to prevent cancer recurrence. made it possible to prevent The team tested a dual-acting, cancer-killing vaccine in an advanced mouse model of the deadly glioblastoma brain tumor, with promising results.The findings are published in Science Translational Medicine.

“Our team pursued a simple idea: to take cancer cells and transform them into cancer killers and vaccines,” said corresponding author, Stem Cell and Translational Immunotherapy Center and Vice Chair of Research neurosurgeryy at Brigham University and Faculty of Harvard Medical School and Harvard Stem Cell Institute. “We are using genetic engineering to repurpose cancer cells to develop therapies that kill tumor cells, stimulate the immune system to destroy primary tumors, and prevent cancer.”

Cancer vaccines are an area of ​​active research in many laboratories, but the approach taken by Shah and his colleagues is unique. Instead of using inactivated tumor cells, the team reuses live tumor cells with abnormal characteristics. Like a homing pigeon returning to its roost, live tumor cells travel long distances in the brain to return to the location of their fellow tumor cells. Taking advantage of this unique property, Shah’s team manipulated living tumor cells using the gene-editing tool CRISPR-Cas9 and repurposed them to release tumor cell killing agents. In addition, engineered tumor cells are designed to express factors that enable the immune system to easily discover, tag and remember, priming the immune system for long-term anti-tumor responses. .

The team has developed repurposed, CRISPR-enhanced and reverse-engineered therapeutic tumor cells (ThTCs) in a variety of mouse strains, including those that yield human-derived bone marrow, liver, and thymocytes that mimic the human immune microenvironment. ) was tested. Shah’s team also incorporated her two-layer safety switch into cancer cells. When this switch is activated, he will eradicate ThTC if necessary. This dual-acting cell therapy is safe, applicable, and effective in these models, suggesting a roadmap to therapy. Although further testing and development is needed, Shah’s team specifically chose this model and used human cells to smooth the way for translating their findings into the patient setting.

“Throughout everything we do at the center, we never lose sight of our patients, even if they are highly technical,” says Shah. “Our goal is to take innovative yet translatable approaches that will ultimately allow us to develop therapeutic cancer-killing vaccines that will have a lasting impact on medicine.” Shah and colleagues note that this therapeutic strategy is applicable to a broader range of solid tumors, requiring further investigation of its application.

Disclosure: Shah is an equity owner and member of the board of directors of AMASA Therapeutics, a company developing stem cell-based therapies for cancer.

This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (Grant R01-NS121096).




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