COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitation Still Remains Despite Rising Acceptance Rates in 2022
A study of 160,000 people in 23 countries published in the journal found that acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine increased by 5.2% overall in 2022 compared to 2021. natural medicine.
However, the level of acceptance varies widely across countries, with eight reported increases in hesitation, from 1% in the UK to 21.1% in South Africa. Of those who were fully vaccinated, 12% of them reported they were still hesitant and might even refuse a booster dose.
These findings were published by an international team of researchers including Professor Heidi Larson, who leads the Vaccine Reliability Project at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). It aims to help guide policy makers to target communication strategies and vaccination campaigns more effectively.
Despite the massive global deployment of safe and effective vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, reluctance to receive them is supported in part by misinformation and mistrust. , pose a hurdle to fully realizing their potential to mitigate the impact of COVID-19. Pandemic.
Using a 30-question online survey, the team explored trends in global vaccine acceptance over 2021-2022. Between 29 June 2022 and 10 July 2022, a total of 23,000 respondents aged 18 and over were surveyed in 23 countries whose populations accounted for 60% of her worldwide population . Half of these respondents were women, one-fifth had a college degree, and one-in-ten of them were medical professionals. Worker.
Overall, the team found a general willingness to accept vaccination – 79.1% of those surveyed – an increase of 5.2% compared to June 2021 figures. Effectiveness and safety was associated with acceptance.
Vaccine acceptance increased in most countries, but vaccine reluctance trended upward in eight countries, from 1% in the UK to 21.1% in South Africa. Men were more likely to be hesitant in Nigeria and Peru, and women were more likely to be hesitant in countries such as China and Poland.
Approximately 1 in 8 vaccinated survey respondents reported being hesitant to receive a booster dose, ranging from 1.1% in China to 28.9% in Russia. Demographic factors, as well as general vaccine hesitation, played a role in country-specific differences in booster vaccine opinion. For example, younger people were more hesitant in Spain, Germany, and South Korea, while older people were more hesitant in Ecuador. Canada and the UK are one of four countries where he is more likely to hesitate if his income is below the median.
There was a small but significant increase in the willingness of parents to have their children vaccinated, from 67.6% in 2021 to 69.5% in 2022. However, eight countries saw an increase in hesitation (with a widening range from her 2.4% increase in Poland). In Brazil he is up to 56.3%), the reluctance of parents themselves to get vaccinated is the biggest contributor to this trend.
Compared to 2021, 38.6% of those surveyed claim to be less careful now when it comes to receiving new information about the COVID-19 vaccine. He ranges from 7.5% in India to 58.3% in Nigeria.
Co-author Heidi Larson said: COVID-19 vaccination for children. This story isn’t over yet. ”
Journal reference:
Lazarus et al., 2022 survey of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in 23 countries. natural medicine. soil 10.1038/s41591-022-02185-4.
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