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New type of CT scan reveals obvious cause of high blood pressure

New type of CT scan reveals obvious cause of high blood pressure
New type of CT scan reveals obvious cause of high blood pressure


Doctors at Queen Mary University and Barts Hospital in London and Cambridge University Hospital have led a study to use a new type of CT scan to illuminate tiny nodules in hormone glands and remove them to cure high blood pressure. Nodules are found in her 1 in 20 with hypertension.

Published today natural medicinethis study solves a 60-year problem of how to detect hormone-producing nodules without difficult catheter studies that are only available in a handful of hospitals and often fail. , the scan also found a group of patients who stopped all blood pressure medications after treatment.

128 people took part in a new scan study in which doctors found that their high blood pressure (hypertension) was caused by the steroid hormone aldosterone. 2, it was found to originate from only one benign nodule in the adrenal gland. It can be safely removed. This scan uses a very short-acting dose of metomidate, a radioactive dye that adheres only to aldosterone-producing nodules. The scan was as accurate as the old catheterization, but it was quick, painless, and technically successful in all patients. could not be predicted.In contrast, a combination of “hot nodules” on scan and urinary steroid testing We detected 18 of 24 patients who achieved normal blood pressure on all drugs.

This study was funded by Barts Hospital, Cambridge University Hospital, Guys and
St. Thomas’ Church, the University of Glasgow, and the University of Birmingham were funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIHR) and the Medical Research Council (MRC) partnership, Barts Charity, and the British Heart Foundation.

These aldosterone-producing nodules are very small and are often missed on a routine CT scan. Glowing for a few minutes after injection reveals an obvious cause of high blood pressure and is often reversible. Until now, 99% of people have gone undiagnosed due to the difficulty and lack of availability of tests. I hope this is about to change. “

Professor Morris Brown, co-lead author of the study and Professor of Endocrinology and Hypertension, Queen Mary University, London

Professor William Drake, co-first author of the study and Professor of Clinical Endocrinology at Queen Mary University of London, said: Ground’s energy and drive comes from this groundbreaking research, as well as talented researchers who selflessly dedicated their time and energy during the national pandemic emergency. The future of research in this area is in very safe hands. “

In most people with hypertension (high blood pressure), the cause is unknown, and the condition requires lifelong drug treatment. A previous study by a group at Queen Mary University found that in 5-10% of his hypertensive patients, the cause was a genetic mutation in the adrenal glands that produced excessive amounts of the steroid hormone aldosterone. . Aldosterone causes the body to retain salt and raises blood pressure. Patients with excessive blood aldosterone levels are resistant to treatment with commonly used antihypertensive drugs and are at increased risk of heart attack and stroke.


Journal reference:

Woo, X. and others. (2023) [11C]A comparison of metomidate PET-CT and adrenal vein sampling for the diagnosis of surgically curable primary aldosteronism: a prospective within-patient trial. natural medicine.




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