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Three grizzly bears in Montana tested positive for bird flu and euthanized

Three grizzly bears in Montana tested positive for bird flu and euthanized
Three grizzly bears in Montana tested positive for bird flu and euthanized


Three juvenile grizzly bears in Montana were euthanized last fall after testing positive for the highly contagious bird flu. State Fish, Wildlife and Park Services Announced This Weekhas fueled concerns that the virus that killed millions of poultry last year is rapidly spreading to other animal groups.

The bear was disoriented, began to go blind and was euthanized due to his poor condition, the Park Service said in a news release on Tuesday. Fish, Wildlife and Parks veterinarian Dr. Jennifer Ramsey said the bears most likely contracted the virus by eating sick birds with high levels of the virus.

It was unclear why authorities waited months to announce that the bear had tested positive and had been euthanized.

The current strain of bird flu, known as H5N1, is one of the nation’s deadliest outbreaks on record, infecting approximately 60 million commercial and backyard bird flocks in 47 states. US Department of AgricultureIts near ubiquity is rising poultry prices Supermarkets across the country experienced egg shortages as consumers flooded in for cartons priced as high as $7 and up.

Most of the infections are found in wild birds, and some of them spread to other animals that prey on them. Recorded Avian Influenza Infections Since May 2022, in 110 mammals, including raccoons, foxes and skunks. The grizzly bear’s positive test marks the first time Montana has recorded bird flu in a mammalian species.

“It’s a shame,” Dr. Ramsey said in an interview. “I think the wild bird mortality rate was very high in the spring. , was not.”

A vaccine against bird flu exists, but a vaccine for the H5N1 strain is not yet widely available in the United States. Only a handful of cases have been documented in humans. Dr. Ramsay said he advised humans to keep pets away from dead birds and to wear gloves when handling dead wild animals.

Wild bird populations tend to travel hundreds of miles and infections are often asymptomatic, making it difficult for wildlife experts to track and contain the virus. Infectious disease experts say the virus is likely to spread further to other animal groups, including mammals and aquatic animals, as infections continue to spread in the spring and summer when temperatures warm and mammals wake from hibernation. That’s it.

Still, the extent of bird infection is enough to worry experts tracking its spread.

“We’ve never seen a virus of this magnitude in our community,” said Richard Webby, director of the infectious diseases division at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. “In the flu world, this is a pretty big deal.”




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