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Study finds ultra-processed foods linked to death from ovarian and other cancers

Study finds ultra-processed foods linked to death from ovarian and other cancers


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A new study of more than 197,000 people in the UK found that eating more ultra-processed foods increases the risk of developing and dying from cancer, especially ovarian cancer, more than half of which were women. .

Overly processed foods include prepackaged soups, sauces, frozen pizza, ready-to-eat meals, hot dogs, sausages, French fries, sodas, store-bought cookies, cakes, candies, donuts, and ice cream. I have.

“Ultra-processed foods are made with industrially derived ingredients and often use food additives to modify color, flavor, consistency, texture, or to extend shelf life. ‘ said first author Dr. Kiara Chan, Fellow of the National Institutes of Health, Imperial College London School of Public Health, said:

“Our bodies may not react the same way to these ultra-processed ingredients and additives as they do to fresh, nutritious, minimally-processed foods,” Chan said.

However, people who eat more ultra-processed foods “tend to drink more carbonated drinks, less tea and coffee, and less vegetables and other foods associated with healthy eating patterns,” says the registry. Duane Mellor, nutritionist and senior mentor, said in an email from a Fellow at Aston Medical School, Birmingham, UK.

“This could mean that it may reflect the effects of reduced intake of healthier foods, rather than specifically the effects of ultra-processed foods per se,” the study said. Mr Mellor, who was not involved, said.

The study, published Tuesday in the journal eClinicalMedicine, looked at the association between eating ultra-processed foods and 34 types of cancer over a 10-year period.

Researchers examined information about the eating habits of 197,426 people, part of the UK Biobank, a large biomedical database and research resource. Resident from 2006 to 2010.

The amount of ultra-processed food consumed in this study ranged from a minimum of 9.1% to a maximum of 41.4%. A study of their diet was found.

Dietary patterns were then compared to medical records documenting both cancer diagnoses and deaths.

Each 10% increase in consumption of ultra-processed foods was associated with a 2% increase in the incidence of all cancers and a 19% increase in the risk of being diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Statement from Imperial College London.

The study also found an increase in cancer deaths. According to the statement, for every 10% increase in consumption of ultra-processed foods, the risk of dying from cancer increased by 6% and the risk of dying from ovarian cancer increased by 30%.

“These associations persisted after adjusting for different socio-demographics, smoking status, physical activity, and major dietary factors,” the authors wrote.

Ovarian cancer ranks fifth in terms of cancer deaths in women. It kills more people than any other cancer of the female reproductive system.” The American Cancer Society states:.

“These findings add to previous studies that have shown associations between higher dietary levels of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) and increased risk of obesity, heart attack, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. ‘ says nutrition scientist Simon Steenson. The British Nutrition Foundation is a charity partly supported by food producers and manufacturers. Steenson was not involved in the new research.

“However, an important limitation of these previous studies and the new analysis presented today is that the findings are observational and have no clear causal link between UPF and cancer or other disease risk. not provide evidence of,” Steenson said. email.

People who ate the most ultra-processed foods were “younger and less likely to have a family history of cancer,” Chang and her colleagues wrote.

Those with higher ultra-processed food consumption were less likely to engage in physical activity and were more likely to be classified as obese. The survey also revealed that they were more likely to live in

“This study supports growing evidence that ultra-processed foods are likely to have adverse health effects, including cancer risk,” said lead author of the study, Imperial College London Public Health. Ezter Vamos, Ph.D., Senior Clinical Lecturer at the Graduate School of Health, said. in a statement.

This latest study is not the first to show a link between high consumption of ultra-processed foods and cancer.

Ah Research in 2022 Studying the diets of more than 200,000 men and women in the United States for up to 28 years, they found an association between ultra-processed foods and colorectal cancer. 3rd Most Commonly Diagnosed Cancer in the United States — A man, but not a woman.

And “There are literally hundreds of studies linking ultra-processed foods to obesity, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and overall mortality,” says Paulette Goddard, emeritus professor of nutrition, food research and public health at New York University. Marion Nestle previously told CNN.

A new UK-based study cannot prove causation, but only an association. Said.

“Further research is needed to confirm these findings and to understand the widespread presence and harm of ultra-processed foods in our diets and the best public health strategies to reduce them,” she added. .




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