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Learn that eating high-fat, high-calorie foods rewires your brain to eat for pleasure and contributes to obesity

Learn that eating high-fat, high-calorie foods rewires your brain to eat for pleasure and contributes to obesity


Second, if you inadvertently pop a biscuit or out of habit reach for a packet of chips while banging on your keyboard, not only are you loading up on calories, but you’re also delaying digestion by slowing down fatty junk food. Please note in particular. your gut reaction. Eating a high-fat/calorie diet on a continual basis appears to disrupt signaling pathways between the brain and the gut, which may reduce the brain’s ability to regulate food intake, according to a new study. In short, mindless snacking rewires your brain, reducing your ability to regulate your appetite and turn on the satiety button.

research result

A study in rats published in The Journal of Physiology continued to ate On a high-fat/high-calorie diet, the brain adapts to what is being ingested and forgets to balance calorie intake. suggesting that it is short-term regulated by cells (large star-shaped cells in the brain that regulate various functions of neurons). and intestines. “Continuously eating a high-fat/high-calorie diet appears to disrupt this signaling pathway,” says lead author Kirsteen Browning, Ph.D., of Pennsylvania State College of Medicine. Astrocytes stimulate neurons to ensure that the stomach contracts properly to fill and empty as food moves through the digestive system. When they fail, this natural process is interrupted. “After eating a high-fat/high-calorie diet for 10 to 14 days, these astrocytes seem to become unresponsive and the brain’s ability to regulate caloric intake is lost. This disrupts signaling to the stomach. It slows down the emptying process,” the researchers said. But human studies need to be conducted to see if the same mechanism occurs in humans, they add. .

This finding is important because it clarifies why we become gluttons and may facilitate the development of anti-obesity drugs that target neurons.

Normal Hunger vs Hedonic Hunger

Dr Uday Padke, Director of Diabetes and Endocrinology Services, Sahyadri Hospital Group, Maharashtra, explains: This classic metabolic starvation triggers certain hormones in the gut that signal the brain to nourish the body. feel better and want more of this pleasure. This is called pleasure hunger. Normally your stomach should tell your brain it’s time to stop. The brain, on the other hand, derives pleasure from eating fatty and sugary foods, becomes less responsive to smaller meals, and craves more. For example, you may be craving dessert after a solid dinner, even though you’re not hungry. Or you might eat a cheese and meat burger that resembles a 1000-calorie bomb. No, it has nothing to do with hunger. It looks, smells and tastes and you eat too much. If not careful, this hedonistic diet can lead to obesity over time. Dr. Phadke advises patients to limit high-calorie foods. “The goal is not to stop eating, but to have alternatives such as chapattis for biscuits that are high in calories and fat,” he adds.

Junk food is an endocrine disruptor: study proves it

“This study shows the scientific backing. It’s time to put a warning on all junk food preparations,” says Dr. Shashank Shah, a consultant bariatric surgeon at Lilavati Hospital. Mumbai“A short-term junk food load is compensated by astrocytes and hypothalamic cells, whereas chronic exposure to junk food and excess fatty acids can induce obesity,” he adds. “The hypothalamus is the area of ​​the brain where the neuronal control of obesity takes place. Foods rich in free fatty acids increase the flow to the hypothalamus. It causes reactive astrogliosis, which increases the secretion of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which affects neurotransmitters, which also increases inflammation, causing cells around the hypothalamus to become overweight. The result is decreased energy expenditure, weight gain, and all the other hormonal changes associated with obesity,” says Dr. Shah. He finds it interesting to understand that bariatric surgery, such as bypass surgery, reduces the flow of such free fatty acids to astrocytes, reducing inflammation and obesity.

Obesity is a global public health concern as it is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. According to UNICEF’s 2022 Global Obesity Atlas, India is projected to have more than 27 million obese children by 2030, which is her 1 in 10 in the world. equivalent to children of




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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