9 Common Questions Answered by Health Experts
- H5N1 is a form of bird flu that has caused concern among health authorities.
- The virus has been around for 25 years and rarely infects humans
- Still, recent reports of outbreaks in other mammals have prompted officials to monitor the situation closely.
Since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic on March 11, 2020, other viruses have spread in large numbers.
In 2022, California and new york declare a state of emergency in response to monkeypox, viral infection with characteristic lesions. and, The “triple demic” of the disease (COVID, influenza, and RSV) took the experts by surprise this winter.
People may be tired of being sick. But experts are now concerned about another virus, the H5N1 flu, also known as bird flu.
and virtual briefing On Wednesday 8 February, a WHO official stressed that the risk to humans is low but that close monitoring is required.
Still, the spread of H5N1 (a virus that commonly affects poultry and birds) has raised flags and questions, such as whether bird flu could cause another pandemic.
Below are answers from health experts to some of the most common questions people have about bird flu, potential dangers, and how best to protect themselves.
As the name suggests, bird flu is another variant of the influenza virus that commonly infects birds.
“Influenza viruses can infect multiple species, so they not only infect humans, but also birds and other mammals,” he says. Sharon Nachman, director of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Division at Stony Brook Children’s Hospital. “Every time we infect another species, some of the outer proteins can change, rendering protective antibodies from previous infections worthless.”
The current concern concerns a strain of bird flu known as H5N1.
“H5N1 is named after a surface protein present on the virus and is a form of bird flu,” he said. Jason Zucker, MDNew York-Presbyterian/Infectious Disease Specialist at Columbia University Irving Medical Center.
Yes, Nachman says bird flu can spread to mammals, including humans.
However, you may have never heard of this virus. There’s a reason for that.
“Bird flu rarely infects humans,” says Zucker. “When that happens, it occurs most often through close contact with an infected animal. Human-to-human transmission has been reported, but it is rare and most frequent among people living in the same household. will occur at
Zucker says the infection spreads from animals (usually birds) to humans as follows:
- saliva
- stool
- nasal discharge
“Reported symptoms are similar to common flu and, like flu, we know it ranges from mild illness to more severe illness,” Zucker said.
Common symptoms of bird flu include:
- cough
- heat
- sore throat
- muscle pain
- headache
- difficulty breathing
Experts say it’s unclear.
“[When H5N1 was first discovreed]Scientists feared it could trigger a pandemic of the flu.” Jay Varma, M.D., Kroll’s Chief Medical Advisor, Kroll Institute Fellow, and Director of the Weill Cornell Center for Pandemic Prevention and Response. “Since then, it has circulated primarily among birds, occasionally infected mammals (from tigers to foxes to seals), and relatively few humans.”
but, Recent reports noted an outbreak of H5N1 in farmed mink in Spain in October.a not preprinted A peer-reviewed report has reported a possible outbreak in New England seals in the summer of 2021.
what’s different now?
“Scientists believe it spreads mainly to different parts of the world and to different animals when birds fly long distances and come into contact with other animals, or when birds are eaten by animals. “But we still don’t understand all the factors that determine how this virus spreads, from the virus itself to environmental conditions.”
It’s something the experts are watching closely, but we don’t know yet.
“It’s too early to say how deadly any particular strain of the flu virus will be,” says Nachman. “Typically, this virus has seasons of serotype change and, in rare cases, serotype change seasons. If you see a variant that has drifted this year, you are less likely to get very sick.”
Warning: “If it’s a shifted virus, you’re less likely to have antibodies to help protect you, so you’re more likely to get sick,” says Nachman.
In other words, officials are still not sure.
You might have hoped we were at the end of the “sick season.” Well, I’m worried about the news of bird flu. Nachman delivered a familiar refrain in response to questions about bird flu seasonality.
“It’s a matter of waiting and seeing what circulates and then following the science,” says Nachman.
Varma agrees, adding: “Since the seasons are reversed in the northern and southern hemispheres, there is always the possibility of an avian flu epidemic somewhere in the world.”
Zucker Not a definitive example But the outbreak in other animals, like mink and seals, was the first major H5N1 “caused by mammal-to-mammal transmission,” according to a JAMA report released Monday. “There is renewed concern that H5N1… may be poised to spill over into humans,” the authors say.
“This is a massive outbreak, affecting multiple species. We’ve seen mammal-to-mammal transmission in animals like mink, making it more similar to humans,” Zucker said. explains Mr.
That’s the fear. Could you? Maybe, but it’s too early to tell.
“This requires careful monitoring. We don’t know if or how this will affect humans, but it’s important to stay vigilant,” says Zucker.
To reduce the risk of you or your animal contracting bird flu:
- Avoid direct contact with wild animals, including those that are sick or appear sick
- Policies regarding the handling of dead birds vary by state and locality. If local officials ask you to throw the corpse in the trash, wear gloves or
upside down plastic bag - get a seasonal flu shot
“And as always, good hand hygiene is key,” says Zucker.
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