Data tracking necklace aims to help smokers stop the habit
Story outline
- Scientists at the Habit Research Institute at Northwestern Medicine in Evanston, Illinois developed the SmokeMon device.
- Worn around your neck, SmokeMon measures the number of puffs, the duration of puffs, and the interval between puffs.
- By providing such detailed data, the team hopes the device can help identify smoking triggers and help people quit.
(wagon) – Wearable tech is heating up, and scientists want to empower smokers with personalized data and necklaces designed to help them quit deadly habits.
At the Habit Lab at Northwestern Medicine in Evanston, Illinois, scientists simulate smoking while pondering burning questions.
They believe the answer is data-driven by tracking real behavior rather than self-reported usage.
This is where the SmokeMon device comes into play.
“We can tell you how long the person has had a cigarette in their mouth,” says Nabil Alshurafa, Northwestern Medicine associate professor of preventive medicine and computer science. “Our bodies, cigarettes, lighters, all these things give off heat.”
SmokeMon is worn around the neck, and sensors within the device measure thermal activity to determine the number of puffs, puff duration, and intervals between puffs.
“All of these things may allow us to characterize smoking behavior in more detail,” Al-Surafa said.
This means that we may have a better understanding of tobacco exposure and disease. At the same time, this mechanism allows the user to navigate the smoking topography. In other words, we can find out what causes smokers to light up, especially those who have relapsed.
“Maybe that cup of coffee triggered a relapse. It could be that friend you’re hanging out with,” Al-Shraffa said. We can start educating people a bit more about what these triggers are.”
Researchers recently conducted a study on SmokeMon. It was published Society of Computing Machinery Journals. The next step is to partner with smoking cessation programs and use heat data to initiate timely interventions.
“Psychologists have designed a variety of mindfulness interventions, as well as interventions via text messages and videos, to help relapse and subsequent smoking, or the next possible smoking event,” Alshrafa said. I try to avoid smoking.
The SmokeMon developers want to tweak the technology so that e-cigarette users can benefit as well. And they plan to refine the design so it looks more like jewelry.
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