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ASN Journal explores how nutrition can reduce the global burden of COVID-19

ASN Journal explores how nutrition can reduce the global burden of COVID-19


As of February 2023, World Health Organization (WHO) report The COVID-19 pandemic has killed more than 6.8 million people worldwide. The WHO warns that these figures likely underestimate the true death toll from the pandemic.

Sadly, the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t over yet. WHO continues to report thousands of new deaths every week. Accordingly, the medical and pharmaceutical communities are working to develop and improve vaccines and treatments. At the same time, the nutritional science community is committed to unraveling the link between nutrition and her COVID-19 susceptibility and COVID-19 severity. Nutrition may play an important role in disease prevention and mitigation, especially in areas of the world with limited access to healthcare.

Below is a sample of prospective original research studies and reviews published in ASN journals that help point the way to effective nutritional strategies to reduce the global burden of COVID-19 disease. Read how the ASN journal explored how his COVID-19 impacted food insecurity here. previous blog.

  • Relationship between acute nutritional therapy and outcomes in ventilated patients with COVID-19 infection: a multicenter prospective observational study, American Journal of Clinical NutritionJanuary 2022
    Optimal nutritional therapy for the acute phase of COVID-19 severe infection has not yet been established. In contrast, Kensuke Nakamura et al. To examine the effects of nutritional supplementation during the acute phase of COVID-19 on mortality and post-intensive care (ICU) syndrome, a group of cognitive, physical, and mental health disorders that may occur in patients with: To this end, we conducted a prospective observational study. Discharged from ICU. Specifically, the authors compared the first 7-day nutritional intake in a group of 297 of his COVID-19-infected patients who required a ventilator in his one of 32 of his ICUs in Japan. investigated the effects of supplementation. No nutritional protocol was defined in this study. Nutrition was determined by each attending physician. In general, however, the patient was given approximately 20 kcal of energy per kilogram per day and 1 gram of protein per kilogram per day for his first seven days of the acute phase. The results of this study concluded that “In patients with COVID-19 on a ventilator for more than 7 days, supplementation on days 4 to 7 was significantly associated with reduced adjusted in-hospital mortality.” but was not associated with post-intensive care syndrome outcome.” ”
  • The role of nutrition in COVID-19 susceptibility and disease severity: a systematic review, journal of nutritionMay 2021
    Philip T. James et al. reviewed evidence that sheds new light on how malnutrition affects both susceptibility and progression to COVID-19. There is strong evidence that prevention reduces the risk of serious consequences of COVID-19.” For example, his study of COVID-19 ICU patients in France found that obesity was the most frequent complication among patients. Similarly, another study found that people with diabetes were more likely to develop severe or severe COVID-19 medical conditions with more complications, including higher mortality. The authors found “limited evidence to date that high-dose supplementation of micronutrients prevents disease or speeds up treatment.” Until more evidence suggests otherwise, we should focus on ways to promote a balanced diet and reduce the burden of infectious disease, rather than relying on high-dose supplements.” .
  • Perspective: Nutritional Strategies Targeting Gut Microbiota to Reduce COVID-19 Outcomes, nutritional advancementMarch 2021
    According to Laurence Daoust et al, “Gastrointestinal symptoms and gut microbiota changes observed in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 raise awareness of the potential role of intestinal mechanisms in increasing disease severity.” ”, he said. In their review, the authors explored potential nutritional strategies that target the gut microbiota using polyphenols, probiotics, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids, and found that “those with pre-existing metabolic disorders The goal is to find ‘specific recommendations’ that can be easily applied to both vulnerable people. Complications and the elderly, but also the general public. ” While some of these strategies appear promising in preventing or limiting the severity of COVID-19, “the main problem is that definitive conclusions can be drawn and the final There is a lack of well-designed, large-scale clinical studies to formulate public health recommendations across the board.” As an example, the authors found a number of proposed studies to protect people from COVID-19. pointed out the use of high doses of vitamin D. wall.
  • Western Dietary Patterns Antioxidant Intake and Oxidative Stress: Importance During the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Pandemic, nutritional advancementJanuary 2021
    Igor Trujillo-Mayol and others report that the current COVID-19 crisis has led to high oxidative stress caused by the disease. Additionally, measures taken by governments to control the pandemic have led to increased anxiety, stress and depression, all of which exacerbate oxidative stress and increase the likelihood and severity of COVID-19 infection. Although the evidence remains scant, there are some indications that a healthy diet, along with supplemental intake of antioxidants such as zinc, selenium, vitamin E, vitamin D and catechins, may benefit COVID-19 patients. For example, even a healthy diet, such as the Mediterranean diet, does not meet your daily requirements for vitamin D and requires some supplementation. In particular, the authors recommend that “vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and obese, can benefit from antioxidant supplements to improve their antioxidant response.” Currently, “the amount of antioxidants needed in a balanced diet to combat oxidative stress in COVID-19 patients remains an unanswered question.”

For more information on the two-way relationship between COVID-19 and nutrition, see all four ASN journals. A quick search using the term “COVID-19” brings up hundreds of articles.

Additionally, if you are studying any aspect of the relationship between nutrition and COVID-19 disease, Submit your findings For publication in ASN journals. Our editorial team will ensure that your original research findings and reviews are rapidly disseminated around the world, improving strategies for prevention and treatment of COVID-19, as well as helping in this urgent area of ​​nutritional research. Helps facilitate new discoveries.




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