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Colonoscopy recommended at age 45

Colonoscopy recommended at age 45


March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death in both men and women in the United States.there is more than 150,000 new cases of colon cancer in the United States affecting all races and ethnicities.

Health authorities around the world now recommend regular colon cancer screenings from age 45. Until recently, the recommended age to start screening was 50 for him. The increasing incidence of late-stage colon cancer among younger people is the reason for this change in recommendations, Matthias explained. Weiss, MD, oncologist/hematologist at ThedaCare Regional Cancer Center. The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) found that the incidence of colon cancer between the ages of 40 and 49 increased by nearly 15% from 2000 to 2002 and from 2014 to 2016. pointing out.

Dr. Weiss emphasized that the new 45-year-old guidelines apply to most people.

“For those aged 45 to 75, regular screening is an important step to help prevent colorectal cancer,” said Dr. Weiss. “If you are under the age of 45 and think you are at high risk of developing colorectal cancer, perhaps because of a family history of this disease, talk to your health care provider about screening options and recommendations. recommended.”

People who are not at high risk for colorectal cancer can have repeat colonoscopies every 10 years.

According to Dr. Weiss, colonoscopy is considered the gold standard of screening, but there are three main ways to check for colorectal cancer.

  • Fecal occult blood test (FOBT): This test looks for blood in the stool, which may be a sign of colorectal cancer.
  • Stool DNA test: This test looks for DNA markers that indicate the presence of colorectal cancer.
  • Colonoscopy: In this test, a long, flexible tube is inserted into the rectum to visually inspect the colon for abnormalities or cancer.

“We are encouraged by the updated screening guidelines,” said Dr. Weiss. “We hope that new information and advances in screening and prevention will lead to better outcomes for patients through early detection.”

More than 15 million colonoscopies are performed each year in the United States. However, according to USPSTF data, in 2016, 25.6% of eligible U.S. adults were never screened for colorectal cancer, and in 2018, 31.2% of him were up-to-date. did not.

For more information on scheduling your colonoscopy appointment, please visit:


Colorectal cancer may not cause symptoms right away. Dr. Weiss emphasizes that symptoms can be non-specific. Therefore, regular screening is important. Symptoms of colorectal cancer include rectal bleeding, bowel changes (such as constipation or diarrhea), abdominal pain, fatigue, anemia, unexplained weight loss, and loss of appetite.

If you experience any of these symptoms, talk to your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Early detection and treatment have been shown to improve outcomes.

Risk factors include a diet high in red meat and processed foods, a sedentary lifestyle, and smoking. To reduce the risk, doctors recommend focusing on her four major lifestyle factors:

  • Eat a Mediterranean diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and high-fiber foods.
  • Regular exercise improves physical and emotional health and prevents unhealthy weight gain.
  • Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption.
  • Have a colonoscopy (even if you feel healthy) and other recommended cancer screenings

For more information about colorectal cancer symptoms, prevention, and treatment, visit:

About Sedacare

For more than 110 years, ThedaCare® has improved the health and well-being of the communities it serves in northeastern and central Wisconsin. The organization provides care to more than 600,000 residents in 17 counties and employs approximately 7,000 health care professionals. ThedaCare has 180 points of care, including eight hospitals. As an organization committed to being a leader in collective health, our team members are dedicated to helping people live their best lives. ThedaCare also partners with communities to understand their needs, find solutions together, and encourage health awareness and action. ThedaCare is the first Wisconsin member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network, allowing professionals to consult with Mayo Clinic professionals about patient care. ThedaCare is proud to partner with the Health Network of Children’s Wisconsin and Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin to enhance convenient access to the highest level of professional care. ThedaCare is a non-profit healthcare system with Level II trauma centers, comprehensive cancer care, stroke and heart programs, and primary care.

For more information, see: Or follow ThedaCare on social media. Media professionals should call Cassandra Wallace, Public Relations and Media Relations Consultant at 920.442.0328, or call her ThedaCare Regional Medical Center-Neenah Exchange at 920.729.3100 for an on-call marketing representative. .




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