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After all, running may not increase risk

After all, running may not increase risk
After all, running may not increase risk


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Experts say running can help joint health by increasing lubrication.Halfpoint Images/Getty Images
  • Contrary to popular belief, running may not increase the risk of knee and hip osteoarthritis, researchers say.
  • In fact, experts say running may improve joint health by increasing lubrication.
  • However, keep in mind that running should be done at a level that is appropriate for a person’s overall health, age and weight.

Conventional wisdom holds that running is a high-impact activity that inevitably puts strain on your knees and lower back, potentially Osteoarthritis in the long run.

new studyBut it suggests that may not be the case.

In a study published in annual meeting A team from Northwestern University in Illinois conducted a study of nearly 4,000 participants in the Chicago Marathon and found that recreational running was not associated with an increased risk of knee or hip osteoarthritis. discovered.

“One of the main takeaways from this study is that active joints are healthy joints,” he said. Dr. Matthew Hartwellan orthopedic surgeon at the University of California, San Francisco, and the lead author of the study (Hartwell was at Northwestern University at the time the study was conducted).

“In this group of marathon runners in this study, risk factors for arthritis, including age, body mass index (BMI), family history of arthritis, and previous injuries, were no different from those of everyday individuals who did not run marathons.” Previous surgery on the hip and/or knee, or hip and/or knee that was hindering,” Hartwell explained.

This study has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

Osteoarthritis is 32 million adults In the United States, it has become the most common form of arthritis.

It occurs when the cartilage within the joint is destroyed, causing the underlying bone to degenerate. Because it is a degenerative condition, it cannot be reversed and generally worsens over time.

Because it commonly occurs in the knees and hips (two areas affected by running), some have thought that the condition could be caused and exacerbated by running.

But the Arthritis Foundation says this isn’t always the case Case – And this study provides new insights into the relationship between running and osteoarthritis.

Hartwell told Healthline that he and his colleagues weren’t surprised by some of the findings.

On the other hand, I was surprised by the number of runners who reported being advised to cut back on their workouts.

“About one in four runners said they needed to run less, which continues the medical community’s dogma that running is bad for joints,” he said. Told.

One theory posits that running helps keep your joints healthy by continuously lubricating them. Joints contain a lining, the synovial membrane, that helps maintain a lubricating fluid within the joint known as synovial fluid.

“One of the proposed theories about the benefits of running is its impact on maintaining a healthy synovial environment with fewer anti-inflammatory mediators that can promote joint destruction,” Hartwell said. says.

“There is a complex interplay between synovial health and the impact of joint mechanics on the progression of osteoarthritis, and many other factors not mentioned also influence failure, but this study We can conclude that this cohort

Dr. Kenton fibulaA non-surgical orthopedic surgeon at the Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute in Los Angeles, an expert in sports medicine and medical director for the Anaheim Ducks of the National Hockey League.Prepare properly.

“Different activities require different muscles and put different loads on different joints,” he explained. I think it’s very important to make sure you focus on strengthening your rotators, strengthening your quadriceps, and being able to take on higher loads.”

Fibel also notes that people with osteoarthritis can often tolerate some physical activity, such as running, as long as they don’t overdo it.

“We don’t want to do too much too quickly, so we usually work on strengthening to be able to withstand the increased load,” he said. I can do it, so I don’t have any symptoms.”

For those who want to avoid osteoarthritis, there are some warning signs to look out for.

Fibel says joint pain is often more pronounced the day after a run than it is during the run.

“Some risk factors have to do with genetics and family history, and some have to do with weight gain. Obesity certainly puts more stress on joints,” Fibel said. “These are all risk factors we’re looking at. Some things we can change to improve, some we can’t.”

In any case, he noted that a responsible running plan is good for general health and should not be associated with an increased risk of osteoarthritis.

“From this study, running itself does not appear to predict the development of arthritis, so the single idea of ​​preventing the development of arthritis should not necessarily discourage patients from running. .




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