Sleep disturbances in women with multiple sclerosis may be a factor in cognitive decline. Data from over 60,000 nurses show functional decline after 4 years
Sleep disorders such as insomnia, sleep apnea, and drowsiness may contribute to self-reported cognitive decline in women with: multiple sclerosis (MS), new research suggests.
Using data from over 60,000 female nurses, the research team Sleeping disorder — cited as one of the causes of MS fatigue — were more likely to report cognitive deterioration after 4 years. Among the cognitive problems these women reported were difficulty following directions and conversations, and difficulty navigating familiar streets.
“Even in the absence of objective change, perceived cognitive decline may represent an important opportunity to identify treatable exacerbating factors such as sleep disturbances,” said Tiffany Braley, M.D., Ph.D. The director of the MS Fatigue and Sleep Clinic at the University of Michigan Health and the study’s lead author said: college news articles.
the study, “Pathways between Multiple Sclerosis, Sleep Disorders, and Cognitive Function: Longitudinal Findings from The Nurse’ Health Studywas published in multiple sclerosis journal.
Investigating sleep disorders using data from women with multiple sclerosis
Cognitive impairment is common and causes disability Symptoms of multiple sclerosis, affecting up to 70% of people with the disease. However, treatments that improve cognitive function in MS patients have limited efficacy, leading researchers to identify risk factors that can be targeted to reduce these symptoms.
sleep disorders disproportionately common It is more common in people with multiple sclerosis than in the general population and is associated with cognitive impairment and poor quality of life.
Still, most studies focusing on sleep disturbances in multiple sclerosis have focused on objective measures of cognition rather than perceived changes in cognitive processes. Nor has there been research into how the problems interact to worsen cognitive function.
“We previously identified an important link between objective cognitive performance and sleep in patients with multiple sclerosis, but how sleep and multiple sclerosis interact to influence long-term cognitive outcomes is a challenge.” Little is known about what gives,” said Braley, who is also director of the Multiple Sclerosis Division of Michigan Health University’s Neuroimmunology.
To assess whether cognitive changes in women with multiple sclerosis are caused by sleep disturbances, the researchers analyzed data from more than 63,000 female nurses, including 524 female nurses with multiple sclerosis. I looked at the data. All were enrolled in the Nurse’s Health Study II, a long-term study focused on risk factors for chronic disease in women.
Participants included in the analysis were those who completed long-form questionnaires in 2013 and 2017. The questionnaire included questions aimed at providing detailed information on sleep and cognitive functioning, among several other clinical factors and lifestyle habits.
Overall, the average age of study participants was 58.7 years as of 2013. Compared to nurses without multiple sclerosis, nurses with neurodegenerative disease had a higher prevalence of multiple sleep disorders, including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Repeated interruptions in sleep – insomnia and excessive daytime sleepiness.
Cognitive function was assessed through questions on three memory items in the 2017 questionnaire. These include difficulty understanding and following spoken instructions, recent difficulties following group conversations and television program plots, and navigating places while traveling along known routes. is the difficulty of
Regardless of their sleep problems, people with MS were 2.2 times more likely to have difficulty following verbal instructions and 1.9 times more likely to have difficulty following conversations and scripts. . They were also 2.7 times more likely to experience problems navigating familiar streets.
However, this impact of MS on cognitive function was mediated in part by sleep problems identified by a nurse in 2013.
For example, insomnia mediated 5.4% of the total effects of multiple sclerosis on the ability to follow verbal instructions, 8.4% on the ability to follow speech and plots, and 15.1% on memory impairment.
The impact of drowsiness was even greater, with 8.6% of the total MS impact affecting the ability to follow spoken instructions, 10.1% affecting the ability to follow speech or plots, and 12.3% affecting memory impairment.
OSA accounted for 34% of the total effect of MS on the ability to follow verbal commands, but had no significant effect on other cognitive functions.
Our findings highlight sleep disturbances: General Potentially modifiable factors of cognitive impairment in women with multiple sclerosis.
According to the researchers, these “findings suggest that common OSA, symptoms of insomnia, and drowsiness may differentially moderate or mediate the effects of MS on sensory cognition in women with MS.” suggesting and highlighting the clear direct and indirect links between these disorders.”
Furthermore, the results also suggest that early detection of cognitive symptoms, such as by self-reporting by patients, may help initiating potential treatments as early as possible.
“Interventions to slow cognitive decline in multiple sclerosis may be most effective during the presymptomatic or early symptom stages,” the team wrote.
“Our findings highlight sleep disturbances in: General It is a potentially modifiable factor in cognitive impairment in women with multiple sclerosis,” they concluded.
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