Marburg virus outbreak: CDC issues warning as two countries in Africa, Equatorial Guinea and Tanzania battle deadly disease
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned doctors on Thursday to watch out for two growing outbreaks Marburg disease Africa will begin contacting some travelers arriving in the United States to monitor for symptoms of Ebola-like viral hemorrhagic fever.
The new CDC alert is due to an increase in cases after Equatorial Guinea and Tanzania declared Marburg outbreaks earlier this year. The outbreak was the first to be declared in each country, ranked as follows: in the largest Continent in 10 years.
“Currently, the risk of MVD is [Marburg virus disease] low in the United States. However, clinicians should be aware of the potential for imported cases.It is important to systematically evaluate patients for the possibility of viral hemorrhagic fever,” said the CDC. Alert I urge you.
What is the Marburg virus? What are the symptoms?
Marburg It is a virus that infects humans through contact with host animals, a type of bat native to Africa. It can then be passed from one infected person to another through contact with blood or bodily fluids.
Marburg, like its close relative Ebola, is a common symptoms Symptoms such as fever and headache appear before progressing to more serious problems such as diarrhea, “heavy bleeding” and organ failure. About half of confirmed cases die on average in outbreaks, according to the World Health Organization. Estimate.
Symptoms begin 2 days to 3 weeks after exposure.
So far, local authorities have tallied 14 Infected person (number) Ten people have died in Equatorial Guinea since the outbreak was declared on 13 February. A further 23 possible cases have been identified, the WHO said Thursday.
CDC says Tanzania has eight confirmed cases and five deaths.
According to the CDC, most experts attribute the two outbreaks to separate so-called “spillover events” from animals to humans.
Authorities have warned that cases in Equatorial Guinea have been detected in large parts of the country, with no known links between patients, and the virus is spreading undetected among people in the region. It suggests that
“Although the origin of the Marburg epidemic in Equatorial Guinea and Tanzania is still unknown, the growing capacity in Africa to recognize and test samples for viral hemorrhagic fevers such as Marburg and Ebola is significant. We know,” Dr Tieble Traore of the World Health Organization said on April 4. in the post.
Travel and other considerations
There are no direct flights to the United States from either country, but the CDC began sending text messages to travelers who had been in Equatorial Guinea or Tanzania telling them if they developed symptoms of Marburg disease within 21 days of travel They say they are urging them to contact the authorities. .
“At this time, the overall risk to the United States is believed to be low, so increased domestic travel measures are not recommended,” said the CDC’s warning.
The agency says it also works with local non-governmental organizations guidance Reflects Ebola recommendations to avoid infection and screen workers after they return. CDC previously updated its Ebola guidance to include Marburg. travel alerts beyond occurrence.
In Tanzania, the White House To tell The United States has provided personal protective equipment and “technical support in epidemic control.”
In Equatorial Guinea, CDC responders first began deploying after an outbreak was declared in February.American research institute set up March 10and is currently training local authorities to diagnose suspected cases of Marburg disease.
work on a possible vaccine
Although there is no licensed vaccine or treatment for Marburg disease, manufacturers of several potential vaccine candidates are developing, including one option supported by the US government. Sabin Vaccine Institute – We have prepared some shots that can be deployed.
750 doses from its chimpanzee adenovirus-based vaccine are ready to be deployed in trials in the current outbreak. It said shots could be administered in a “ring” approach around the contacts of each case being treated.
The WHO said on Thursday there was no agreed date for when the country would start testing vaccinations, but Equatorial Guinea had granted visas for its experts to arrive before bullets could potentially become weapons. rice field.
“If the situation is favorable, trials may begin. So, we are currently building the basics of good alert management and case management, as well as other basics of outbreak response. Will be considered at a future date. However, at this time there is no firm date for when it will start,” said Dr Abdi Mahmud of WHO. told reporters.
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