Hidden Signs of Red Meat Allergy from Tick Bite
- Tick bites are associated with an additional condition called alpha-gal syndrome, which causes red meat allergies.
- The new guidance reports that some patients with alpha-gal syndrome may present only with gastrointestinal symptoms rather than typical symptoms such as rash and difficulty breathing.
- α-gal is a sugar molecule found in mammals such as cattle, pigs, and sheep, as well as in tick saliva.
Summer is approaching, and unfortunately tick bites are on the rise.
Tick bites are one of the few unfortunate side effects of the warmer months and are associated with all sorts of ailments, including: Lyme diseasesouthern tick-related rash disease, and Rocky Mountain spotted feveramong others.
But now, tick bites are linked to another condition called alpha-gal syndrome, which causes red meat allergies.
The relationship between red meat allergy and tick bites is not new. What is new, however, is the depth of our understanding of allergy and how it manifests itself in people. It is possible.
This observation is new medical commentary was announced in Clinical Gastroenterology and HepatologyJournal of the American Gastroenterology Association.
“Symptoms [we are now aware of] Includes nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. People usually think along the lines of the gastroenteritis picture. Dr. Lisa Ganjugastroenterologist and clinical associate professor at New York University’s Grossman School of Medicine.
“Alphagal syndrome has been around for a while. What’s new is the increased attention and awareness of the condition.” Dr. Sebastian Livani, an allergist at Lenox Hill Hospital. “Essentially, it is a unique type of allergy in that allergic individuals are reacting to sugars found in non-primate mammals. I have.”
α-gal is a sugar molecule,
“When a tick bites a human, alpha-gal is inserted into the skin along with the tick’s other proteins, kicking off an immune response,” Lighvani explains. “The individual is then sensitized to alpha-gal.” will be
Sensitivity to α-gal triggers red meat allergy and allergy to meat-derived ingredients such as gelatin.
The red meat allergy that a tick bite patient may develop is different from other allergies. As such, associations are difficult and allergies can be difficult to diagnose.
“Allergic reactions range from hives and rashes to anaphylaxis, which means a drop in blood pressure,” Lighvani says. They may go to the doctor but be told they have irritable bowel syndrome or a food intolerance and no one is allergic to alpha gal. does not search for
Another factor that makes diagnosis difficult is the delay between ingestion and response. Another factor that makes diagnosis difficult is the delay between ingestion and response. may have windows.
Patients who have been bitten by ticks or spent time outdoors are at increased risk of allergies, according to a new commentary.In addition, a research paper published in Chronicles of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology who say multiple tick bites (4 or more) are also at increased risk.
“We recommend avoiding tick bites because tick bites can re-aggravate and resensitize an individual,” Lighvani said. The reaction is reactivated.”
The best way to treat alpha-gal syndrome is to cut off the trigger. This includes meats such as beef, pork and mutton. It may also contain gelatin-containing products such as marshmallows, jellos, gummy bears, or pharmaceuticals containing gelatin ingredients or gel capsules.
“Generally, if you’re sensitive and reactive, I’d say you need to be strict about avoiding alpha-gal in a form that causes a reaction.
If you or your doctor suspect that you have this allergy, a simple blood test can diagnose it. If these antibodies are detected, the allergist will educate the patient on how best to avoid them.
Lighvani also suggests having an EpiPen available, as the severity of allergic reactions varies from person to person. Ganjhu also recommends carrying Benadryl with you, as it can numb allergic reactions.
The best way to avoid allergies altogether is to avoid tick bites. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests:
- Use an EPA-registered insect repellent.
- Avoid wooded or brushy areas.
- Walk the middle of the trail.
- After going inside, check your clothes for mites.
- Examine gear and pets.
- Shower as soon as you go outside.
- Check for ticks, especially under the armpits, in and around the ears, inside the navel, behind the knees, in and around the hair, between the legs, and around the lower back.
- Treat clothing and gear with products containing 0.5% permethrin.
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