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Laboratory mice face euthanasia as they gather because non-COVID-19-related studies have been discontinued.



Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, institutions have closed, Non-coronavirus research discontinued, They insisted they weren’t required. Because of this, rat colonies are growing and some scientists are forced to euthanize them.

Euthanasia of laboratory mice

(Photo: Photo by Oxana Kuznetsova from Unsplash)
Laboratory mice and rats have been euthanized as their population continues to grow in the cessation of studies other than COVID-19.

This has hit many researchers who claim that it is never easy to end the life of another being, whether animal or human.

Xiao-Tong Su, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Health Sciences in Oregon (OHSU), shared a way to apologize to a mouse every time it was euthanized. Researchers deferred research on hypertension say she believes mice have sacrificed much for science and human health.

She said that as a pet owner herself became too obsessed with the animals she worked with, it was difficult to work in the lab. After working with a rabbit and becoming the owner of a pet rabbit, she said she had to switch to a mouse-based job early in her career.

Euthanasia of mice and rats There is nothing new in the world of medical research. After the experiment is complete, the mouse is essentially irrelevant. They can no longer be used as controls and are therefore humanely euthanized.

Many universities follow a reductionist policy. That is, they use as few mice as possible. If possible, one mouse can be used for multiple studies. Depending on the study, most researchers only euthanize one animal per day.

Sayra Garcia, 2nd Year PhD Student at Albert Einstein College of Medicine shares that the experience of euthanasia “never gets easier” over time.

Also read: Neurons Found in Mice May Affect Effective Dietary Drugs

Discontinuation of research other than COVID-19

When coronavirus cases began to appear in early March, facilities throughout the United States suddenly were forced to discontinue most non-coronavirus studies.

Resources to support mouse colonies were gradually diminished as the lab was closed and lab managers, researchers, and animal care technicians were ordered to stay at home.

For this reason, directors of various institutions received orders from the school district to address the problem of animal populations by reducing the problem of animal populations. According to Eric Hutchinson, Head of Research Animal Resources at Johns Hopkins, they had a large amount of euthanized laboratory mice in just one week. He shares the way they expected them to somehow become physically and emotionally overwhelming.

Can’t kill easily

Euthanasia Usually done by a veterinarian who is a veterinarian. The procedure is performed by injecting carbon dioxide, then surgically dislocating the neck and finally confirming death.

However, in the early stages of the pandemic, technicians were in a hurry to prepare for lab closures, burdening lab managers with horrific steps.

In many laboratories, this meant leaving the responsibility of euthanizing hundreds of mice alone. In most cases this was done all at once.

A lab manager who wanted to remain anonymous shared that mice sometimes hop around cages and try to escape. He shares how the worst part of the job is surgically dislocating their neck.

“They are already dead,” he says, but he needs to follow the protocol. He has to grab the neck and tail, he says he really doesn’t like to do it and that he has to do it 150 times definitely influenced him.

Also read: New research reveals compounds that eliminate chronic pain in mice. Promising development of medicine

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