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Keeps children healthy so they can thrive in preschool

Keeps children healthy so they can thrive in preschool


The transition from staying at home to going to preschool can be difficult to navigate. Especially if your child comes home with a cough, sneeze, or fever.

Being in a new environment often exposes children to a variety of germs.which It causes illness that disrupts preschool routines.

Helping children stay physically and mentally healthy is key to successfully adjusting to preschool. Here are some ways to promote their brain development Building your immune system allows you to keep learning and growing.

correct nutrition

“A healthy balance of protein, fat, grains, vegetables, dairy and fruit is important in a child’s diet,” said Lian Wee Bin, Ph.D., pediatrician and neonatologist at the SpecialKids Child Health & Development Clinic. I’m here. “Avoid foods high in saturated fat, sugar, and salt,” she advised.

Several nutrients are essential for brain development, including DHA, a fatty acid that is a component of membranes in the central nervous system.Lutein, an antioxidant that protects the brain from harmful free radicals; and natural vitamin E.

“Adequate DHA in the diet enhances a growing child’s ability to learn,” says Dr. Liang. “Lutein protects DHA by reducing oxidative damage associated with free radicals. Its presence in neural tissue has recently been found to be positively correlated with cognitive function. Natural Vitamins E helps maintain cognition and brain plasticity.”

There are also gangliosides that account for 10% of total brain lipid mass. Because brain cells are concentrated in synapses where they communicate with each other, Gangliosides play an important role in brain development.

Dr. Liang said: For infants, dietary gangliosides may have a positive impact on cognitive function. ”

In addition to feeding children a healthy diet, parents may want to be aware of recent advances in nutritional prebiotics.

Pediatrician consultant and clinical pediatric immunologist at Mount Elizabeth Medical Center, Dr. Lee Bee Wer, says the immune system resides primarily in the gut, so nutrition plays an important role in the development of a child’s immunity. says.

For example, some Infant formula brands contain 2′-FL, a milk oligosaccharide. This is associated with a lower incidence of upper respiratory tract infections. The latest innovation is 5 types of milk oligosaccharideswhich is intended to nourish the good bacteria in the gut to strengthen a child’s immune system.

“Studies show that milk oligosaccharides may directly inhibit viral entry by blocking the attachment of these organisms to the lining of the oropharynx for respiratory viruses and to the intestine for gastroenteritis viruses. “Several clinical studies have shown that infants consuming cow’s milk containing these oligosaccharides are more likely than infants consuming cow’s milk not supplemented with oligosaccharides to It has also been shown to cause less infection compared to

get enough sleep

If children don’t get the rest they need to adjust their immune systems, they are more susceptible to illness and disease.

Preschoolers ages 3 to 5 are recommended to get 10 to 13 hours of sleep per day, while toddlers ages 1 to 2 need 11 to 14 hours of sleep each night. is.

To help children fall asleep, avoid using electronic devices before bed and stick to a consistent nighttime ritual. can take the form of

stay active

Learning through play stimulates brain development and helps shape a child’s executive center, honing skills in problem-solving, planning and emotional regulation.

Simple activities such as water play with containers for toddlers and role-playing games for preschoolers can build psychomotor skills and empathy in children.

Play also helps children stay active and release stored energy. Not only does physical activity help develop stronger bones and muscles, but it also boosts self-confidence, stimulates nerve cells in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, and promotes neuronal connectivity, thereby developing the brain. Improve your memory and concentration in class.

sense of security

Finally, being emotionally safe helps children feel confident enough to explore the world around them.

Experts recommend that parents set simple, consistent rules for their children to follow and praise their children for good behavior. You should encourage them to discuss their thoughts and feelings in their daily lives.

Backed by parental emotional support, adequate rest and proper nutrition, children can begin their preschool learning journey on a strong and healthy footing.

learn more about The latest innovations in children’s nutrition.




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