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Chaminade baseball beats Chaparral in walk-off fashion for first CIF-SS playoff win in 11 years – Daily News

Chaminade baseball beats Chaparral in walk-off fashion for first CIF-SS playoff win in 11 years – Daily News


WEST HILLS Chaminade baseball player Caydin Wilson was out of breath after his hit. His teammates chased him and doused him with water as the reality of the historic victory rushed over the Eagles.

Chaminade beat Chaparral 3-2 on Wilson's RBI single in the bottom of the seventh inning in the first round of the CIF Southern Section Division 3 playoffs at home Friday afternoon.

It was the first playoff game the Eagles won in 11 years.

I've never had this experience before, Wilson said, catching his breath. I was jumping, all the guys, everything. This is very fun.


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original sound – Haley Sawyer

Chaminade (20-9) will travel to Mission Viejo for the second round of the playoffs on Tuesday.

The bottom of Chaminade's lineup squared off Friday against pitcher Braylon Doughty, the No. 37-ranked prospect in the MLB draft and Oklahoma State commit whose velocity reaches the 90s.

I knew this guy was dirty, Wilson said. Its untouchable curve and cursor.

Eagles No. 7 hitter Isaiah Hearn walked to the bases to start the seventh inning. Jackson Tyler, who also plays football, was next at the plate and ducked to avoid a wild pitch, a moment that caused friction between the two teams and caused the Chaminade dugout to partially empty.

Tyler had settled in as the environment calmed down and he laid down a bunt to move Hearn to second base.

Wilson, the ninth hitter and sophomore, came next for the hit.

A lot of other lineups don't hit seven, eight, nine, Chaminade coach Kyle Wilkerson said. And Cadens has just been a guy, really, over the last four or five games who has arguably been one of our best hitters after getting off to a slow start early in the year. He’s just a grinder and a competitor. It was his turn this time.

Adam Batmanian pitched five innings of relief and allowed no hits, walked no one and struck out one batter. Eli Stephens started the game and recorded three strikeouts in two innings.

“I always like to say: You have to be the best to play the best,” Batmanian said. This is how these playoffs are going to be for us. I was excited, I'm excited all the time. I like to have a lot of energy and that's how I play.

Chaparral (15-13) took a 2-0 lead early in the second inning, but the Eagles managed to tie it late in the third inning. Wilson singled, then Carter Bennett reached first on an error. Matt Churchill followed with a single to bring them both in.

Bennett beat the throw home to score Chaminades' second run.

He knew right away he was scoring, Wilkerson said. And not many guys have that kind of instinct to be able to do that. He helped us set the tone all day.

Chaminade was a Mission League runner-up this season after finishing fifth in league play last season. That, combined with Friday's historic playoff victory, has given way to a new level of confidence. Only senior Matt Churchill had postseason experience before the win over Chaparral.

This group does a really good job of getting excited for about 24 to 48 hours, but they're very serious the next practice we have, Wilkerson said. This is just the beginning. We always went there.

Other scores from Friday's games

Santa Clarita Christian 3, Loma Linda Academy 0

Saint John Bosco 14, Brothers Grace 0

Calvary Chapel 6, Saugus 2

Harvard-Westlake 7, Norco 2

Cypress 5, Calabasas 2

San Dimas 3, West Ranch 2

La Mirada 4, Chênes Christian 3

Notre Dame 16, Torrance 1

Newbury Park 12, Flintridge Prep 2




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