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Studies have found that muscles send chemical signals to the brain during exercise

Studies have found that muscles send chemical signals to the brain during exercise


Two women are exercising on outdoor gym equipment.Share on Pinterest
When you exercise, your muscles can send chemical signals that help your brain.David Prado/Stocksey
  • A new study shows how exercise boosts neural activity in the hippocampus.
  • The hippocampus is a region of the brain involved in long-term memory storage.
  • The findings suggest that chemical signals from muscle contraction trigger signaling pathways that enhance brain function and may be useful in treating neurological disorders in the future.
  • Next steps in research include important clinical questions such as which type of exercise (aerobic vs. anaerobic) is most effective, and how much and for how long.

A growing body of evidence supports the idea that exercise benefits both the body and mind.

according to the new study It was published in the magazine neurosciencethe relationship between physical activity and brain health may be even more closely related.

The researchers looked at how chemical signals produced by muscles during exercise lead to the development of neurons in the brain.More specifically, they looked at how exercise affects the hippocampus. I was.

of Hippocampus The part of the brain involved in storing long-term memories.

“This study is the first to attempt to elucidate the underlying mechanisms by which physical activity and exercise affect the brain. It has long been known that exercise supports a healthy brain and improves mood and cognition.” It was done.” Dr. Andrew Newberg, is a neuroscientist and director of research at the Marcus Institute for Integrative Health and a physician at Jefferson University Hospital. “This study shows that there may be chemical signals emitted by muscle cells that affect neurons. ”

Ki Yun LeeA PhD student in mechanical science and engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the study’s lead author, PhD said the study showed how chemicals from muscle reached key parts of the brain, including neurons in the hippocampus. He told Healthline that it shows how it affects people.

“Exercise is known to improve cognitive health by altering hippocampal neurons in the brain.” Ki Yun LeeA PhD student in mechanical science and engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the lead author of the study told Healthline. It provides new insights into how hippocampal neurons accelerate maturation and promote the formation of neuronal networks.”

This study highlights the critical role of astrocytes, specialized cells that surround and support neurons in the brain, in regulating the development of the hippocampal neural network.

By highlighting the critical role of astrocytes in regulating neuronal activity, which is often overlooked in brain research, this study suggests that astrocytes as well as neurons should be considered in the development of new treatments for neurological disorders. It suggests that you may need to

The researchers found that removing astrocytes from cell cultures made neurons “hyperexcitable,” defined Like when a neuron is likely to be activated by a stimulus.

at least one in 2022 study was announced in translational psychiatryResearchers have found that “abnormally elevated neural activity” is a common feature. Alzheimer’s disease seems to be related to something bigger Cognitive decline.

The new findings “may have important implications for understanding and treating neurological disorders such as epilepsy caused by neuronal hyperexcitability,” said Lee.

Therapies of astrocytes may involve exploring approaches to target astrocytes to modulate their activity and prevent neuronal hyperexcitability, opening new avenues for treating neurological disorders. Lee added that it could open

Newberg noted that more research is needed to validate these early findings, but the work is interesting.

“The overall finding is that hippocampal cells, central to brain networks that mediate cognitive function and memory, are influenced by muscle cells via astrocytes, key support cells in the brain.” Newberg explained, “This complex cascade shown in this study suggests how the brain responds to exercise.”

The results of this study support growing evidence that exercise is beneficial not only for physical health, but also for cognitive health.

Specifically, the results suggest that chemical signals from muscle contraction trigger signaling pathways that enhance cognitive function and have therapeutic potential. neurological disorders.

Additionally, “the findings have important implications for the development of new approaches to enhance cognitive health and treat neurological disorders,” said Lee. “By identifying a critical role for astrocytes in mediating the effects of exercise on hippocampal neurons, this study suggests that future studies should consider interactions between muscle, astrocytes, and neurons.” doing.”

The findings could also help develop exercise regimens specifically designed to target interactions between muscles, astrocytes and neurons for optimal cognitive health, Lee said. added.

“This study supports the importance of exercise as part of a patient’s brain health program,” said Newberg. “But the key clinical (and mechanical) question is ultimately which type of exercise is most effective (aerobic vs. anaerobic), and how much and for how long?”

Exercise boosts parts of the brain, including neuronal activity in the hippocampus, according to new research.

The results of this study suggest that chemical signals from muscle contraction trigger signaling pathways that improve brain function and may be beneficial in treating neurological health conditions.

When it comes to next steps, we recommend considering the type of exercise that works best for you – aerobic Anti-anaerobic – look at frequency and duration.




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