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Innovative therapy targets blood clots without increasing bleeding risk

Innovative therapy targets blood clots without increasing bleeding risk
Innovative therapy targets blood clots without increasing bleeding risk


Safer and more effective anticoagulants may be developed following a breakthrough discovery by US researchers who designed new compounds that target blood clots.

The University of British Columbia (UBC) and the University of Michigan (USA) combined their expertise in blood clotting systems and chemical synthesis to design a new compound called MPI 8. blood clot It does not increase the risk of bleeding.

“The development of MPI 8 represents a major breakthrough in the area of ​​thrombosis prevention and treatment,” said Jay Kizhakkedathu, Ph.D., professor and chair of the Canadian Research Commission at UBC’s Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and the UBC Blood Research Center. said.

“By targeting specific molecules involved in thrombus formation without disrupting the natural clotting process, it has proven to be safer and more effective in animal models, and has great potential to improve human life. We have created a blood thinner that hides the

Blood clots are a serious health problem that affects millions of people worldwide. If left untreated, it can lead to life-threatening conditions such as deep vein thrombosis. heart attackpulmonary embolism and strokeBlood thinners, also known as anticoagulants or antithrombotics, are essential in treating and preventing blood clots, but carry significant risks of bleeding.

Existing blood thinners, such as heparin, direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs), and warfarin, work by targeting enzymes essential for blood clotting. However, disabling these enzymes threatens the normal clotting process required for wound healing, so it must be dosed and monitored carefully.

Researchers have taken an innovative approach Instead, target polyphosphate. This is a molecule involved in blood clotting that accelerates the process but is not essential.

“Even if we removed 100% of the action of polyphosphate, it would only slow these coagulation reactions, so we believe it may be a safer target to pursue as an antithrombotic drug.” was thinking,” said Professor Dr Jim Morrissey. He holds a PhD in biochemistry and internal medicine from the University of Michigan.

After building a library of potential molecules and screening them for desirable criteria, the lab focused on MPI 8. This unique molecule has a “smart” binding group with a positive charge that is attracted to the negative charge of polyphosphate. It binds to and inhibits polyphosphate while leaving other negatively charged cells and proteins in the body intact, eliminating toxic side effects.

In preclinical studies, MPI 8 showed significant efficacy in preventing blood clots in mice without increasing bleeding risk. The drug showed no signs of toxicity even at high doses.

Further studies are needed to confirm the safety and efficacy of MPI 8 in humans, but the initial results serve as a testament to the power of collaboration in research medicine and usher in a new era of thromboprophylaxis and thrombosis treatment. offer hope for

“Not only does this drug show promise as a safer and more effective option for patients, but the design platform we used to create MPI 8 is flexible, allowing us to develop additional compounds with similar properties and efficacy. development,” Dr. Chanel La concluded. He worked on the project as a PhD student in chemistry in the lab.

“Assuming our research continues to produce positive results, we are very excited that MPI 8 will be participating in an approved clinical trial, bringing this drug closer to reality for patients in need. I have.”




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