How to know if you have an allergy, coronavirus or something else
It may be harder than ever to distinguish between an average case of COVID-19 and a milder case of stuffy nose or even a seasonal allergy bout. So if you don’t have certain symptoms and aren’t sure if it’s safe to leave your home (viruses are contagious, allergies aren’t), know you’re not alone.
“It’s very common to think that people with allergies have a series of viral infections,” he said. health tap, a telemedicine company. Meanwhile, some people are reporting symptoms of her COVID-19 with the latest variant commonly associated with allergies. including pink eyeThis can make it even more difficult for you to understand what’s bothering you and why it’s still important. Testing for COVID-19 If you plan on being around other people.
However, there are some symptoms and clues that are “highly suggestive” that you’re experiencing a virus and seasonal allergies, or vice versa, says Rutledge.
Allergies (a.k.a. allergic rhinitis or hay fever) affects millions of people adults and children every year, caused by pollen Airborne debris that triggers an immune response and subsequent symptoms such as sneezing and itching.
virus containing COVID-19RS virus (RSV) and the flu trigger symptoms From diseases that infect the body and the immune system that responds to them, but they also secondary infectionsinus infections, etc.
Here’s what you need to know about the difference between allergies and viruses.
A quick tip to check if it’s an allergy or a virus
In general, when distinguishing one disease from another, “if in doubt, it is always best to have a health care provider confirm the diagnosis.” single caresaid in an email. That said, there are some clues to help you get the right meds and plan your week accordingly.
If you have a fever, it’s not an allergy.
Although the name has “fever”, hay fever does not actually generate heataccording to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. It may be caused subsequently.
If it’s really itchy, you might be allergic.
“Allergies usually cause itching in the eyes, nose, or upper mouth, which is not usually common with viral infections. It is difficult to pinpoint symptoms to specific variants of COVID-19, but some reports of More cases of conjunctivitis or pink eye with the latest version of the virus. Viruses and bacteria can also cause pink eye, which can cause itching around the eyes.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, Other symptoms Non-itchy allergic rhinitis may include congestion, sneezing, headaches and sinus pain, dark circles under the eyes, increased mucus, postnasal drip (mucus running down the back of the throat), difficulty breathing and fatigue, or general I feel sick.
get an antihistamine test
People who experience seasonal allergies but aren’t entirely sure if the congestion is due to the same cold your friend had or a familiar allergy that usually occurs at this time of year. To help, Rutledge suggests what he calls a “treatment trial”: see if an over-the-counter antihistamine relieves symptoms.
“There are certain treatments that work only for allergies,” he says, and antihistamines are one of them. work of Block the effects of histamine and helps with many allergy symptoms. On that note, if you have sinus pain and sneezing and your symptoms improve after taking histamine, it may be safe to say you have an allergy.
take a COVID-19 test
It’s pretty simple, but the best way to tell if you have COVID-19 is to take the exam at home, or a more accurate lab test in the clinic. This is especially important if you are planning to be with an older person or someone who is at increased risk of serious illness from her COVID-19.
read more: FDA approves another COVID booster for seniors
What are the most common COVID-19 symptoms today?
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control has COVID-19 symptoms, the severity and symptoms of illness depend on age and other factors such as the strain of COVID-19 that is circulating. The UK-based ZOE Health Study is a good reference for the ‘most common’ COVID-19 symptoms. The researchers are tracking how COVID-19 symptoms change, gathering information from people in the country who volunteer to test positive. their symptoms. As of December 2022, Top 10 most common COVID-19 symptoms In the UK, according to ZOE,
What is an effective allergy treatment?
What medicine you need depends on your symptoms.
“Each drug is designed to treat a specific symptom, so it’s important to find the right over-the-counter medication to manage and relieve your symptoms. For example, antihistamines such as Claritin and Zyrtec are It’s a standard allergy medication, but you can also get relief from decongestants.
In case of emergency, antipyretics like ibuprofen may also help with allergies.
You might even try to stop allergy symptoms with steroid nasal sprays before they start, says Bourgeois.
“It is best to start steroid nasal sprays a few weeks before the allergy season when they cause symptoms and continue throughout the season. Usually, there is no need to use steroid nasal sprays year-round.
Bourgeois see CDC’s guide if you choose to rinse your nose after symptoms and mucus start Safely performed with sterile materials.
Many people manage their allergy symptoms with the help of their doctors and appropriate medications, and no further medical help is needed, says Rutledge. If so, it may be a good candidate for allergies. Allergy test at the clinic Or schedule a follow-up with an expert to get to the source, says Rutledge.
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