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Brain Flexibility Makes Adolescents More Likely for Cataract Surgery – News

Brain Flexibility Makes Adolescents More Likely for Cataract Surgery – News


The brain’s ability to interpret visual information remains plastic throughout adolescence, with implications for the treatment of congenital blindness with eye surgery.

Anonymized photographs of two adolescents with congenital cataracts from Uttar Pradesh, India. Before surgery (left) and after surgery (right). During surgery, an artificial lens is inserted into the eye to restore vision.

Anonymized photographs of two adolescents with congenital cataracts from Uttar Pradesh, India. Before surgery (left) and after surgery (right). During surgery, an artificial lens is inserted into the eye to restore vision.
Bass Lokers & Pawan Singha, 2023

A longitudinal study following congenital blindness underwent cataract surgery revealed that neural pathways associated with vision can be modulated throughout puberty.

“There has been a long debate about whether and to what extent the human visual system maintains its plasticity as the brain develops,” said Arab, who led the study with colleague Caterina Pedersini. says Bass Rokers of New York University Abu Dhabi in the Emirates. with Indian scientists. “The current consensus is that the visual system becomes resistant to change at about age seven, after the critical period is over. We wanted to test this speculation.”

The team investigated 19 patients from India, aged 7 to 16, who had dense cataracts in both eyes. We followed patients through cataract surgery with the aim of distinguishing changes associated with .

“Because the young people in our study grew up blind, their visual systems weren’t developing in the normal way,” explains Pedersini. “Our study provided a unique opportunity to identify neural changes in the visual system, especially after surgery.”

The team asked each participant to perform a visual acuity and face recognition task days to weeks after surgery. I checked. The team then compared these results to the Human Connectome Project’s (HCP) brain imaging database, which contains information on brain development across childhood developmental trajectories.

Ocular surgery induced significant white matter plasticity in specific ‘late visual’ neural pathways. These pathways showed improved connectivity between the occipital regions in the back of the brain that process visual information from the eyes and key interpretive brain regions, resulting in enhanced structural integrity after surgery. . Patients’ ability to recognize faces and visual perception have improved dramatically, improving their quality of life.

“We identified the exact neural pathways that underpin this dramatic improvement,” says Rokers. “These visual changes are independent of normal maturational changes and suggest that the white matter of the visual system maintains plasticity throughout puberty.”

The team hopes their study will revitalize the debate about the value of eye surgery in cases of congenital blindness, regardless of the child’s age. Evidence may also motivate exploration of behavioral or pharmacological interventions to restore or improve vision, he said.

“Our next step is to investigate the neurological deficits that underlie more moderate visual impairments, such as lazy eye,” says Pedersini. “If these visual disturbances can result from abnormalities in the same pathway, this may open up new therapeutic avenues.”




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