Mental illness could mean increased heart attack, stroke risk for people under 40

Adults in their 20s and 30s with mental disorders are more likely to have a heart attack or stroke, according to new research.
of A study published on Monday Published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology examined the health data of over 6.5 million people through the Korea National Health Insurance Corporation database.
People included in the new work The study participants were between the ages of 20 and 39 and underwent a health examination between 2009 and 2012. Their health status was monitored for new-onset heart attacks and strokes until December 2018.
The study found that approximately 13% of participants suffered from insomnia, anxiety, depression, somatoform disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance use disorders, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, I had some kind of mental disorder, such as a personality disorder.
those younger The study found that 40 people with mental disorders were 58% more likely to have a heart attack and 42% more likely to have a stroke than those without the disorder.
“It has long been known that mental health and physical health are linked, but what is surprising about these findings is that these links were observed at a very young age,” he said. Dr. Katherine Ehrlich, Associate Professor of Behavior and Brain, said. Science at the University of Georgia. Ehrlich was not involved in this research.
Coronary artery disease and heart attacks are rare before the age of 40, so studies of this size are rare. There was a need to understand the relationship between mental health and these abnormal events in young people.
Ehrlich said he wanted to learn more about the participants’ physical activity and diet to better understand whether those factors influence the relationship between mental health and heart attacks and strokes.
“For example, if you are chronically depressed, you may struggle to maintain a healthy diet and get enough physical activity, which may increase your risk of cardiac events over time. There is,” she said.
However, the increased risk was attributed solely to lifestyle differences, as the authors adjusted for factors such as age, sex, hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, metabolic syndrome, chronic kidney disease, smoking, alcohol, physical activity, and income. It wasn’t. said the study.
But that doesn’t mean lifestyle should be ignored, say the study authors. Dr. Eue-Keun Choi, Professor of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University School of Medicine, South Korea.
“Lifestyle behavior did not explain excess cardiovascular risk, but this does not mean that healthier habits do not improve prognosis.” Lifestyle changes should be encouraged for young adults with
One in eight people between the ages of 20 and 39 surveyed have some form of mental illness, meaning that a significant number of people may be predisposed to heart attacks and strokes. , said study author Dr. Chan Soon Park, a researcher at Seoul National University Hospital, South Korea. said in a statement.
This may indicate an increased need to manage the psychological state and monitor heart health of people at risk.
“If we can reduce the number of people with chronic mental illness, there could be a secondary benefit in the future in terms of the number of people managing heart-related conditions,” Ehrlich said. said.
It’s important to note that the findings don’t show that mental illness causes heart attacks or strokes.
Preventative measures to minimize risk may include maintaining a healthy diet and engaging in physical activity, Ehrlich said.
Choi also recommends that people with mental health issues get regular checkups.
These findings may also highlight the importance of dealing with loneliness, she added.
“Many mentally ill patients struggle with social isolation and loneliness, and for years researchers have warned that loneliness is detrimental to physical health.
“Efforts to improve social connections among young people may be important to address the rising rate of cardiometabolic status in adulthood,” she added.
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