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The key to improving results by increasing physical activity

The key to improving results by increasing physical activity
The key to improving results by increasing physical activity


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Studies show that physical activity can help you recover from a stroke.Vicky Kasara/Getty Images
  • Swedish researchers wanted to learn about the importance of physical activity in the first six months after a stroke.
  • Stroke, 5th leading cause of death In the United States, it occurs when a blood clot ruptures or a vein in the brain ruptures.
  • The authors of a new study found that increasing activity levels made study participants more likely to have improved functional outcomes after stroke.

stroke It affects hundreds of thousands of people each year and ranges from minor injuries to death.

Problems people face with a nonfatal stroke include loss of function on one side of the body, difficulty speaking, and impaired motor skills.

Functional outcome after a stroke is the basis of a new study published in JAMA network openThe authors were primarily interested in the 6-month timeframe after a stroke event and what role physical activity Helps improve results.

The study authors effect research, which stands for “Effectiveness of fluoxetine – a randomized controlled trial in stroke.” For this study, he obtained data from people who had a stroke between October 2014 and he June 2019.

The authors were interested in participants enrolled in this study 2 to 15 days after stroke onset and followed for 6 months.

Participants had to assess their physical activity at 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months for inclusion in the study.

Overall, 1,367 participants were eligible for this study, including 844 male and 523 female participants. Participants’ ages ranged from 65 to he was 79, with a mean age of he being 72.

During follow-up, physicians assessed participants’ physical activity levels.using Saltin-Grimby Physical Activity Level Scaletheir activity was marked on one of four levels:

  • inactive
  • At least 4 hours of light-intensity physical activity per week
  • At least 3 hours of moderate-intensity physical activity per week
  • Strenuous intensity physical activity, such as the type found in competitive sports training for at least 4 hours per week.

Researchers then classified participants into one of two categories: gainers or losers.

The bulking group included people who maintained light-intensity physical activity after achieving maximum rate of increase between 1 week and 1 month after stroke and maintained light-intensity physical activity up to 6 months. It was

On the other hand, the decrease group included people who showed decreased physical activity and eventually became unable to exercise within six months.

A study analysis showed that of the two groups, the increase group had a higher chance of functional recovery.

At follow-up, the increase group maintained light-intensity physical activity after achieving maximal increase rates between 1 week and 1 month.

The weight loss group experienced a slight decrease in physical activity at 1-week and 1-month follow-up.

In the reduction group, the entire group became inactive by the 6-month follow-up appointment.

Participants in the increased group were younger, predominantly male, able to walk unaided, had healthy cognitive function, and needed antihypertensive and anticoagulant medications compared to participants in the decreased group. There was no.

The authors noted that while stroke severity was a factor, some participants with severe strokes were in the gain group.

“Though patients with severe stroke may be expected to have poor functional recovery regardless of their level of physical activity, engaging in physical activity is associated with better outcomes, regardless of stroke severity. and support the health benefits of physical activity after stroke,” said the study. The author wrote

Overall, this study highlights the importance of encouraging physical activity early after stroke and targeting people who exhibit reduced physical activity in the first month after stroke.

board certified cardiologist AS Dr. Robert Pilchikbased in New York City, was not involved in the study but participated in the study. medical news today.

“This study confirms what many of us have always suspected,” said Dr. Pilchik. “Physical activity immediately after stroke plays an important role in restoring functional capacity and reestablishing a normal lifestyle.”

“This is most important during the subacute phase (up to six months) after the event,” continued Dr. Pilchik. “Interventions at this time to increase participation of stroke survivors improve outcomes six months later.”

The main implication of this study is that patients’ condition improves as physical activity increases over time in the first six months after stroke.

Dr. Adi IyerA neurosurgeon and interventional neuroradiologist at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute at Providence St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California also said: MNT About research. He said:

“Physical activity helps retrain the mind-muscle connections that may have been damaged after a stroke. Exercise ‘rewires’ the brain to help patients regain lost function.” helps. “

Ryan GrattHe is a Senior Brain Health Coach and Director of the FitBrain Program at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute in Santa Monica, California.

“Physical activity after acquired brain injury (such as stroke) appears to be important early in the process,” Glatt said. “Future studies implementing different physical activity interventions, including multidisciplinary rehabilitation, will be interesting to see how outcomes are affected.”

according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Approximately 795,000 people have a stroke each year. Most people who have a stroke are over the age of 65.

Interruption of blood flow to the brain causes a stroke.according to American Stroke Associationthere are two types of stroke: ischemic and hemorrhagic.

blood clot cause ischemic strokeIn this type of stroke, a blood clot blocks a blood vessel, resulting in a lack of blood and oxygen flow to the brain.

Doctors treat ischemic stroke by dissolving clots.If this does not work, the doctor may thrombectomy Remove blood clots.

hemorrhagic stroke It occurs when a blood vessel ruptures and causes bleeding in the brain. This bleeding can cause the death of brain cells, and hemorrhagic stroke is less common than ischemic stroke, but more often fatal.

doctor performs surgery to clip aneurysm — if it caused a stroke — or repair damaged blood vessels.

Risk factors for stroke include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesityand DiabetesAdditionally, smoking also increases the risk of stroke.

Physical therapy is a component of rehabilitation that helps stroke survivors regain strength and mobility. Additionally, physical therapy can help with balance and coordination.

Doctors may also recommend speech therapy for some people who have had a stroke. Speech therapists work not only on improving language processing skills, but also on retraining the muscles used for swallowing and speaking.

Participation in recommended treatments may improve the quality of life of stroke patients and allow them to return to normal daily activities.




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