Lowering Age for First Mammography in New Recommendations
Jennifer Lacalandra has a tattoo on her wrist as a permanent reminder of her battle with breast cancer.
“I never dreamed [did] At 41, I knew I was going to get breast cancer. I was healthy We ate well. I was amazed at how young she was,” said Lacalandra, a breast cancer survivor.
Lacalandra said first after finding a lump in her breast. Her mammogram did not detect her cancer. It was only after her health care provider, Dr. Francis Alina, ordered an MRI that showed suspicious cells requiring a biopsy.
What you need to know
- Women should start getting mammograms every other year at age 40, rather than waiting until age 50, according to new draft guidelines from the U.S. Task Force on Preventive Services.
- Some Doctors Recommend Annual Mammograms Instead of Every Year
- Dr Francis Arena fears insurance companies will use new recommendations to deny annual inspections
“They recurred as breast cancer the next day,” Lacalandra said.
Women should start getting mammograms every other year at age 40, rather than waiting until age 50, according to new draft guidelines from the U.S. Task Force on Preventive Services.
“They were half right because, as if written in stone, they finally realized that they couldn’t make such empirical recommendations that mammograms were only available to women aged 50. That’s wrong,” said Dr. Francis Arena, medical director of the Department of Oncology, Langone Arena, New York University.
Alina also recommends annual mammograms instead of biennials.
He fears insurers will use the new recommendations to deny annual inspections.
Alina says studies by radiology consultants show that annual mammograms after age 40 reduce mortality by about 42%.
“We’re talking about someone’s life. If I catch breast cancer early, I can cure him. And that’s exactly what we have to feel. We We have to be adamant about it.We have to make sure we don’t get breast cancer.” And we have to protect our patients at all costs,” said Alina.
The American Cancer Society endorsed the draft guideline, calling it an important positive change.
There is a public comment period before the draft recommendations are finalized.
But the American Cancer Society’s chief scientific officer points out that these guidelines apply to women at average cancer risk. People with a family history should talk to their doctor about testing even earlier.
“I think what we really want to have as a society is to have people actually tested on a more individualized basis that can adapt over time,” said the American Cancer Society’s chief scientific officer. One Dr. William Dahat said:
As for Lacalandra, she is now six years cancer-free.
“I am lucky to be able to watch my children grow up and see everything I want to see,” Lacalandra said.
She has three daughters, all of whom say they support early breast cancer screening.
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