‘No Minimums’: GPs Encouraged to Use RACF Flagfall Fees
Adoption of the recommended COVID-19 booster immunotherapy has been low in elderly care settings, but officials hope the higher fees for home visits will have an effect.
The Department of Health and Elderly Care (DoH) emphasized that there is no minimum number of patients to be eligible for increased flagfall fees for in-reach vaccination in senior care facilities.
Recommended booster immunotherapy coverage currently remains below 30% among eligible aged care residents, and federal government encourages GPs to improve protection within cohorts .
The issue was raised at last week’s COVID-19 Primary Care webinar and re-emphasized by Deputy Chief Medical Officer Professor Michael Kidd in a subsequent email update.
He noted that vaccination in residential aged care facilities and facilities for the disabled is primarily done by primary care providers such as general practitioners and pharmacists.
Professor Kidd’s most recent COVID-19 primary care update email states, “For COVID-19 vaccine providers, provide COVID-19 vaccine within reach for elderly caregivers and residents with disabilities. We encourage you to continue to offer vaccinations.”
‘To support the provider of this service, MBS Flag Fall Item 90005 Price increased to $118.15.
The letter states that this item can only be claimed once per visit, but can be claimed in conjunction with other COVID-19 MBS items, and the minimum number of patients required to be vaccinated to claim this item. It states that there is no
“If you have a patient in an aged care facility who needs vaccination, we encourage them to go to the facility and get the vaccine, even if there are only a few or even one patient who needs vaccination,” said Professor Kidd. writing.
last week, News GP Reportedly low number of eligible aged care residents Anyone currently up to date on recommended COVID-19 boosters.
of Latest COVID-19 Vaccine Deployment Statistics 28.8% of the eligible population indicated they had received a booster, an increase of 4 percentage points from the previous week.
For Dr. Anthony Marinucci, RACGP Special Interest Elderly Care Chair, the message of increasing vaccination coverage makes sense.
“We welcome the enhancement of this flag recently announced by the federal government, which further establishes and supports the vital role of general practitioners in COVID-19 vaccination of vulnerable people living in nursing homes. It is,” he said. News GP.
“I urge all GPs involved in RACF visits, whether single or multi-resident, to provide accessible clinics.”
Flagfall fees have more than doubled from $56.75 when first announced in 2021.
According to the latest snapshot of nursing homes, there were 386 active cases and 1,863 residents as of May 11.
Professor Kidd said visits may be made even if there are active cases.
“Even if there is a COVID-19 or flu outbreak in the home, we can still provide affordable services. We just need to ensure that only healthy patients are vaccinated,” he said. .
“This provides a higher level of protection for patients who are not yet infected.”
The deputy chief medical officer also emphasized the possibility of co-administering the COVID-19 vaccine with the flu vaccine, noting that the COVID-19 vaccine must be provided free of charge.
His latest update states, “Healthcare providers offer both vaccines on the same day, especially in residential aged care facilities, where revaccination opportunities may be difficult for residents. It may be necessary to consider the risks and benefits to tenants of doing so.”
Of the more than 20,000 recorded COVID-19 deaths in Australia since the pandemic began, more than a quarter have been registered in aged care homes.
Professor Kidd said residents were the group “at highest risk of COVID-19” and that GPs interested in helping should contact their local Primary Health Network (PHN). .
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