Researchers discover how brain cells boost appetite in obese patients Health News ET HealthWorld
Sydney: the set of brain cells Discovered by Garvan Medical Institute increases appetite when persistent surplus energy in the body, e.g. excess fat Storage in Obesity.
The research results were published in a journal cell metabolism. The researchers found that these cells NPY, a chemical that stimulates appetitebut they also made the brain more sensitive to the molecule, further increasing appetite.
“These cells cause changes in the brain, making it more sensitive to even low levels of NPY when there is an excess of energy in the body. excess fat – promotes appetite in obese people,” explains the professor. herbert herzogSenior Author of the study and Visiting Scholar at Garvan.
“Our study addresses a long-standing question of how appetite is regulated in obese patients and has the potential to lead treatment development in new directions.”
Obesity is a major public health problem, affecting more than 1 in 10 adults and increasing the risk of developing other chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Many factors influence the development of obesity (excessive accumulation of adipose tissue in the body), but dietary patterns and physical activity levels are the main factors.
“Our brains have complex mechanisms to sense how much energy we have stored in our bodies and adjust our appetite accordingly. It’s due to the molecule NPY, which the brain naturally produces in response to stimulate feeding,” Professor Herzog said.
“When the energy expended is less than the energy expended, the brain produces higher levels of NPY. When energy intake exceeds expenditure, NPY levels fall and hunger decreases. Over time, as excess body fat in obesity, NPY continues to promote appetite even at low levels, and we wanted to understand why.”
When the researchers looked at cells in the brain called neurons that produce NPY in a mouse model of obesity, they surprisingly found that 15 percent of them were different, and they produced NPY during obesity. I found that it didn’t stop.
“We found that under obese conditions, appetite is primarily driven by NPY produced by this subset of neurons. These cells not only produce NPY, but also sensitize other parts of the brain. Generate additional receptors or “docking stations” for molecules. It stimulates the appetite even more,” says Professor Herzog.
“What we have uncovered is a vicious cycle that disrupts the body’s ability to balance energy input and energy storage, driving the progression of obesity.”
“Our brains are wired to resist energy deprivation and weight loss, because we see this as a threat to survival and trigger food-seeking mechanisms that increase appetite.” But this happens even when there is an excess of energy: it is stored in the body,” explained Professor Herzog.
The researchers say their findings open up the possibility of blocking more sensitized NPY receptors as a new approach to anti-obesity drug development.
“Our findings help us better understand the mechanisms in the brain that interfere with balanced energy metabolism and how they can be targeted to improve health,” said Professor Herzog. said.
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