Cholesterol-lowering drugs could downgrade the COVID-19 threat to a common cold threat
Can I use the simple drugs that have been on the market for decades to treat COVID-19? The research team, led by Professor Yaakov Nahmias of the University of Jerusalem Hebrew (HU), says early research looks promising. Their discovery this week Cell Press Sneak Peak.
For the past three months, Dr. Nahmias and Dr. Benjamin ten Oever of the Ikhan School of Medicine in the Ikhan Mountains of New York have focused on how SARS-CoV-2 alters a patient’s lungs to reproduce themselves. What are their main discoveries? This virus prevents the daily burning of carbohydrates. As a result, large amounts of fat accumulate in lung cells, a condition required for the virus to reproduce. This new understanding of SARS CoV-2 is why people with hyperglycemia Cholesterol level Often, the risk of developing COVID-19 is particularly high.
Viruses are parasites that lack the ability to replicate on their own, so they help control our cells to accomplish their task. “By understanding how SARS-CoV-2 regulates our metabolism, we can regain control from the virus and deprive it of the resources it needs to survive,” Nahmias explains. did.
With this information in hand, Nahmias and tenOever have begun screening for FDA-approved drugs that interfere with the ability of the virus to replicate. In a laboratory study, the cholesterol-lowering drug fenofibrate (Tricor) has shown very promising results. Fenofibrate breaks the viral grip on these by allowing lung cells to burn more fat cell, And interfere with the replication ability of SARS CoV-2. In fact, the virus almost completely disappeared just 5 days after treatment.
“The discoveries couldn’t come at a better time now because of the surge in second wave infections in countries around the world,” Nahmias said, global cooperation may provide treatment. not. “The collaboration between Nahmias and tenOever’s lab demonstrates the power of adopting an interdisciplinary approach to study SARS-CoV-2 and helps us reduce the global burden of COVID-19. The findings can really make a big difference,” added tenOever.
While there are many ongoing international efforts to develop a coronavirus vaccine, research suggests that the vaccine may protect patients for only a few months. Therefore, VirusThe ability to function, rather than neutralize the ability to strike, may be the key to changing the table for COVID-19. “Our findings Clinical trial, This series of treatments can reduce the severity of COVID-19 to something as severe as a common cold,” Nahmias concluded.
Ehrlich et al. SARS-CoV-2 Transcriptional Metabolism Signatures in Lung Epithelium. (2020).
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Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Quote: Cholesterol-lowering drugs can downgrade the COVID-19 threat to a common cold (15 July 2020) threat. potential-downgrade-covid-.html
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