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Dr. Rebecca Spencer Highlights How SLEEP 2023 Will Bridge Basic and Clinical Sciences

Dr. Rebecca Spencer Highlights How SLEEP 2023 Will Bridge Basic and Clinical Sciences
Dr. Rebecca Spencer Highlights How SLEEP 2023 Will Bridge Basic and Clinical Sciences


Rebecca Spencer, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychology and Brain Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Chair of the Associated Professional Sleep Society Program Committee.

In this preview interview, sleep 2023In How Connecting Patients and Clinicians Can Inspire New Ideas in Sleep Medicine, and Why Attendees See Sleep Health Disparities Woven Throughout the Conference I am emphasizing what is going to happen.


Here’s why the SLEEP meeting is such an important event in the field of sleep medicine. What about clinicians, researchers, and patients?

This conference is such a big conference for our field, and the reason is that researchers in the basic sciences and sleep medicine researchers in the clinical sciences, practitioners, and, as you pointed out, patients and patient advocates. Because we will meet together. And I believe that integration is the source of fresh ideas. It’s about spreading and looking at your discoveries through a different lens. All of this not only motivates us to keep moving forward, but it also helps us narrow down our questions and direct them in really meaningful ways.

How will the content of this year’s conference build on the knowledge gained over the past few years, and how will it impact discussions on the ground?

This conference builds on all the work that has been accumulating over the past few years and will not only continue to bring some really exciting areas to the forefront, but also some new things on the agenda. . It’s really hard to stress just one thing.

One of the really interesting themes I think is working on sleep health disparities. Therefore, some of the keynote addresses will be devoted to those themes. I think that’s a really important direction. Because it allows us to think seriously about where the important areas sleep medicine should focus on. Did your past studies diversify the population? And we are serious about how it advances the goals of sleep medicine and sleep health.

There are some other great talks that will do a good job of bridging the fields of basic and clinical sciences. We do some research focused on aging. As you can imagine, this is also a very important area for sleep health. So really, we’re going to cover everything from pediatrics to geriatrics and everything in between.

It’s really exciting to have everyone from different fields, such as medicine and basic research, come together. Also, the pandemic days of using Zoom are over. But we still tend to do a lot of things virtually, and what we miss are the casual conversations that happen after lectures and conferences, and I think that’s where a lot of the real science happens. is thinking What that means is that we can go to these conferences and have lunch and say, “Let’s talk about that conference we were all at, what did you think about it?” And then you get another idea of ​​what happened.

For me, that’s where the conversation takes place. And now we can even incorporate patients and patient advocates into the lunch we eat later, with clinicians and basic scientists all at the table. For me, that’s exactly where I get ideas for next year’s conference presentations, and even the next year’s conference presentations. So I think that’s what SLEEP has to offer us, and why I’m so excited to be back there next week.




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