Depression and inequality may accelerate aging: study
A new study, led by Canada, has found that living in a disadvantaged neighborhood and feeling depressed can lead to premature aging.
In peer-reviewed studies, Published Monday in The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medicinepoints out how depression and living in an urban environment with greater material and social inequalities affect human aging.
The study’s authors, led by researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, said this could occur “even after considering individual-level health and behavioral risk factors, such as chronic diseases and unhealthy behaviors.” says there is.
“This adds to the body of evidence that both living in urban areas with high neighborhood poverty levels and having symptoms of depression are associated with premature biological aging.” said team leader Professor Parminder Raina, Professor of Health Research Law and Evidence. said McMaster University Impact in a news release.
The researchers used epigenetic data from 1,445 people enrolled in the study. A Longitudinal Study of Aging in Canadaa long-term study following approximately 50,000 participants aged 45 to 85 for at least 20 years.
The study is described as investigating how changes in biological, medical, psychological, social, lifestyle and economic factors affect human health as we age. .
epigenetics It studies how behavior and the environment influence the functioning of human genes.
The researchers measured depression symptoms using a standardized 10-item scale.
The researchers said that a one-point increase in the score accelerated the risk of death by one month, the theory being that emotional distress from depression could cause “additional biological wear and tear and dysregulation of physiological systems.” It is said that there is a nature.
To measure “neighborhood material poverty and social deprivation,” the researchers used a pair of indices based on the 2011 census. Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium.
They point out that material deprivation refers to the lack of access to resources such as adequate housing, nutritious food, transportation, high-speed internet, and recreational facilities, while social deprivation refers to family and community ties. explained.
The researchers say that increased neighborhood poverty “increased a person’s risk of death by nearly a year,” but did not exacerbate the effects of depression on aging.
In other words, both were independently associated with premature aging.
“Our results showed that the effects of neighborhood deprivation on epigenetic age acceleration were similar irrespective of symptoms of depression. This suggests that depression is independent of neighborhood deprivation.” ,” said Divya Joshi, lead author of the study and researcher at McMaster. said the university.
The research team also included members from the Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland.
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