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All About B Vitamins: B Vitamin Functions, Types, Sources, and How Deficiency Affects the Body

All About B Vitamins: B Vitamin Functions, Types, Sources, and How Deficiency Affects the Body
All About B Vitamins: B Vitamin Functions, Types, Sources, and How Deficiency Affects the Body


Pregnant women are often prescribed folic acid, a form of vitamin B, and vitamin B supplements are given to patients undergoing surgery with patients who are feeling fatigued. Similarly, biotin (a type of vitamin B) is often recommended for healthy hair and skin. So many functions in one vitamin make B vitamins special and important. So we decided to start the week by gathering information about this all-important vitamin, its types, sources, functions, and understanding who needs it. Vitamin B supplementwhy.

Likewise, not to be embarrassed if something related to B vitamins pops up anytime soon, we consulted an expert to decipher all things B vitamins. It can also help you make more informed dietary choices and help you see your doctor if you notice any signs of a B vitamin deficiency.

First, let’s briefly understand what vitamins are and why they are to, Dr. Chhaya BE, Consulting Physician at SPARSH Hospital, said: It is essential for the normal functioning of the body and is required in small amounts in the diet because it cannot be synthesized by the body. ”

There are two types of vitamins fat-soluble and water-soluble.

fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) are absorbed in fat, whereas water-soluble vitamins (all but these four) are soluble in water.

water soluble vitamins Fat-soluble vitamins can accumulate in the body, so be careful not to take too much.

What are B vitamins?

B vitamins are a class of water-soluble vitamins that are essential for the body’s energy production and metabolism. “B vitamins are very important for our overall health. They play an important role in boosting the body’s energy production, metabolism from the food we consume. In addition, it helps the formation of red blood cells,” Dr. Payal Chowdhury, Senior Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Rainbow Children’s Hospital Rosewalk Health Care, told

Natural sources of B vitamins are shellfish, fish, crab, red meat, liver, kidneys, eggs, seafood such as milk, cereals, dark green vegetables such as spinach, nuts and seeds, and citrus fruits. Natural sources of B vitamins are shellfish, fish, crab, red meat, liver, kidneys, eggs, seafood such as milk, cereals, dark green vegetables such as spinach, nuts and seeds, and citrus fruits. (Image source: Freepik)

types of vitamin B

The types of B vitamins are:

Thiamine (B1),
Riboflavin (B2),
niacin (B3),
pantothenic acid (B5),
pyridoxine (B6),
biotin (B7),
folic acid (B9), and
Cobalamin (B12).

Why do we need B vitamins?

“B vitamins play an important role in converting food into energy, maintaining a healthy nervous system, promoting red blood cell production and supporting optimal health. brain functionAnd it contributes to the synthesis of DNA and proteins,” Dr. Chowdhury said.

Added Dr. Ravi Shankerji Kesari (Physician, Physician, General Physician, Apollo Spectra Hospital) Bangalore It also “helps maintain healthy skin, hair and eyes,” he says. Dr. Kesari explains the specific function of each B vitamin:

  • B1 (thiamine) aids in energy production,
  • B2 (riboflavin) supports cell growth and red blood cell production,
  • B3 (niacin) promotes healthy digestion and nerve function.
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) helps release energy from food,
  • B6 (pyridoxine) aids brain development,
  • B12 (cobalamin) is essential for nerve function, DNA synthesis.

B vitamins convert food into energy, support the nervous system, and maintain healthy skin, hair, and eyes. B vitamins convert food into energy, support the nervous system, and maintain healthy skin, hair, and eyes. (Image source: Freepik)

Natural source of B vitamins

Rich sources of B vitamins include:

  • Protein-rich foods such as fish, poultry, and meat eggdairy products.
  • Green leafy vegetables, beans, and peas are also good sources of B vitamins.
  • Additionally, some cereals and certain breads are fortified with additional B vitamins.

deficiency of vitamin B

The human body needs certain amounts of each type of B vitamin to function well. Deficiency of B vitamins can have a variety of disadvantages and adverse effects on the body, including:

  • Malaise,
  • weakness,
  • beriberi, pellagra,
  • indigestion,
  • digestive problems,
  • skin and hair problems
  • nerve damage,
  • anemia,
  • mood disorders, and
  • Cognitive decline.
  • It may also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Dr. Kesari elaborated on how deficiencies of certain B vitamins affect health, stating:

  • deficiency of vitamin B12 May cause anemia, nerve damage and neurological symptoms.
  • Deficiency of vitamin B6 and folic acid may increase the risk of heart disease, birth defectscognitive decline.

B vitamin supplements

B vitamin supplements are available in a variety of forms, including tablets, capsules, pills, powders, and liquids. They serve as a convenient option for the prevention and treatment of deficiencies. However, to avoid potential adverse effects associated with high doses of these supplements, it is important to seek professional advice from your healthcare provider.

Dr. Kesari recommended several supplements that provide B vitamins, including:

B-complex: A collection of all B vitamins.
Vitamin B12: Important for energy production and nerve health.
Folic acid: Essential for DNA synthesis and cell division.
Biotin: Supports healthy hair, skin and nails.
Thiamine (B1): essential for energy metabolism, nerve function.

“It’s important to maintain a balanced diet for optimal intake of B vitamins. Nutrient-rich foods such as whole grains, legumes, leafy greens, fruits, nuts, eggs, dairy, and lean meats. Wholesome foods offer a natural and holistic approach to getting these essential nutrients, promoting overall health and well-being,” concluded Dr. Chowdhury.

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