Increased risk after exposure to heavy metals
- Chronic exposure to contaminant metals in household items, air, water, soil and food is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a new scientific statement released by the American Heart Association.
- To find out the toxicity of metals in your area, you can take an environmental test.
- Addressing metal exposure in low socioeconomic areas may offer a strategy to reduce cardiovascular disease disparities and promote environmental justice.
Many studies have shown risk factors for cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure. high cholesterol, and smoking. However, research on the effects of toxic metals on heart health is limited.
According to a scientific statement published in
The metals found were lead, cadmium and arsenic.
Even low-level exposures to these metals are considered dangerous. Researchers found that exposure to lead, cadmium, arsenic and coronary artery disease, stroke and peripheral arterial disease.
“These metals interfere with essential biological functions, affecting most of the population on a global scale.” Ana Navas Asien, M.D.Co-chair of the statement-making group, Professor of Environmental Health Sciences at Columbia Mailman School of Public Health, and Director of the Northern Plains Superfund Research Program at Columbia University in New York City, said in a statement. “After exposure, lead and cadmium accumulate in the body and remain in bones and organs for decades. It has been suggested that it is possible.”
Interestingly, despite evidence of these detrimental effects, many health professionals are just beginning to understand the seriousness of the problem.
“The most surprising discovery to me is that of public health scientists who have proven time and time again that toxic metals are linked to cardiovascular disease, and cardiologists who are only now acknowledging the relevance and validity of environmental cardiology. There was a decades-long discontinuity between Dr. Gervasio A. LamasFAHA, medical president of Mount Sinai Medical Center and director of the Department of Cardiology at Columbia University, told Healthline.
The next step in the study will be to determine whether a drug called EDTA, which increases the excretion of lead and cadmium from the body, reduces or prevents cardiac events, Lamas added. At his TACT trial in JAMA in 2012, we proved this to be true. A confirmatory study is expected to have results by the end of the year.
Experts are still researching the science behind this connection.
“This is complex and the scientific community may not fully understand the science behind the mechanism,” he said. Dr. Gary Winkler, MD, UTHealth Houston Emergency Medicine Physician and Pharmaceutical Toxicologist. “Heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and arsenic can mimic the normal metals that our bodies use, thus preventing enzymes from working properly. Also, some heavy metals can mimic his DNA/RNA. interfere with the functioning of
The science and pathophysiology behind how cancer and cardiovascular disease develop is still under investigation. For example, one mechanism is that arsenic itself inhibits nitric oxide synthase in the lining of blood vessels, Winkler explained. This reduces nitric oxide production and bioavailability and limits vasodilation.Ultimately this leads to high blood pressure or hypertension and coronary artery disease.
“These non-essential metals can trigger many harmful processes in our bodies, including inflammation, and ultimately lead to diseases such as high blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia.” atherosclerosis (Accumulation of plaque in arteries).” Dr. Herb Aronow, Medical Director, Cardiovascular Services, Henry Ford Health. “As a result, exposure to these metals can lead to heart attack, stroke, heart failure, and loss of limbs. ”
The main routes of human exposure are through contaminated air, water and soil.
“It sounds simple, but it’s difficult for patients to avoid exposure, and they may need to move. It’s usually hard to decontaminate the environment,” Winkler said. “People who are concerned about toxicity from these metals should have environmental heavy metal testing. Human testing should be done with urine tests, not hair samples.”
Worldwide, the largest contributor to rising arsenic concentrations is water from wells. Food exposure tends to be minimal. Winkler explained that lead exposure is most often caused by contaminated soil around the home from contamination with lead paint.
Lead is also found in foreign herbal supplements (e.g. Ayurvedic medicines and traditional Chinese medicines) and poses an increased risk of exposure in some occupations. Environmental exposure to cadmium generally occurs through consumption of food grown in cadmium-contaminated areas, Winkler added. Welders, solderers, and jewelers who use cadmium-containing alloys are also at risk of cadmium toxicity.
“The most impactful interventions should be enacted by government agencies as a result of legislation,” Aronow said. “Such interventions have the potential to limit permissible levels of metal contamination in air, drinking water and soil, and to monitor these metals to protect communities. They are encouraged to communicate to their respective legislators how important they are to their communities.”
The study authors also said addressing metal exposures in these populations may offer a strategy to reduce cardiovascular disease disparities and promote environmental justice.
“I agree with this statement,” Winkler said. “Cardiovascular disease prevalence, incidence and disparities are more pronounced in low socioeconomic areas. The reasons for this are complex, but environmentally polluted areas are generally higher even in low socioeconomic areas. Addressing environmental pollution and exposure is a strategy to reduce cardiovascular disease disparities and promote environmental justice/equity.”
Lamas explained that the most polluted areas tend to be the poorest or less fortunate areas. Efforts to “clean up” these metal-contaminated areas will, or should, reduce the vascular disease gap between the rich and the poor.
Chronic exposure to contaminant metals in household items, air, water, soil and food is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a new scientific statement released by the American Heart Association .
If you are concerned about metal toxicity in your area, you can have your environment tested.
Experts agree that addressing metal exposures in low-socioeconomic communities is critical to reducing inequalities in cardiovascular disease and promoting environmental justice.
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