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Research has found a cure for baldness in the elderly.Here’s how it works

Research has found a cure for baldness in the elderly.Here’s how it works


Hair growth is inversely related to age, and aging often leads to slower hair growth and, in some cases, hair loss. Baldness is a major problem for middle-aged women and men who try every means to maintain their hair, regardless of the cost.

A Northwestern University study has discovered breakthrough potential for baldness and hair growth. The study found a way to revive existing hair follicles in older people to promote hair growth.

How do new baldness treatments work?

This method involves stimulating the production of the microRNA particle miR-205 to stimulate already existing hair follicles on the scalp. Small RNA particles mainly relieve the stiffness of cells, making them soft and suitable for hair growth. The method has been successful in mice so far, but if it works in humans it could make a big difference.

Manipulation of stem cells to promote the production of miR-205 resulted in hair growth in both young and aged mice.

“They started growing hair in 10 days,” Rui Yi, Ph.D., professor of pathology and dermatology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Illinois and senior author of the study, told Psytech Daily. .

The professor told me that these are not new stem cells being generated, but that the process involves stimulating existing stem cells to grow hair.

what’s next?

The next step in the study is to first examine whether topical application of miR-205, which stimulates hair growth in mice, produces results. If the human experiment is successful, the method will be tested on humans as well.

“If successful, we plan to design experiments to test whether this microRNA can potentially promote hair growth in humans,” the scientists said.

How was your research done?

The study was performed in a genetically engineered mouse model. In this study, we measured stiffness using advanced microscopy tools such as atomic force microscopy. In addition to this, double-shot microscopy was also used to monitor cellular behavior in live animals.

Future tasks

A major challenge in turning this experiment into an actual treatment for human baldness is finding success in humans. Dr. Ken Williams Jr., a surgeon and founder of Orange County Hair Restoration in Irvine, Calif., told Medical News Today that mouse models don’t always yield similar results to human observations. .

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Updated on June 17, 2023 at 10:18 AM IST




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