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Heavy drinkers really ‘not processing their booze,’ study says

Heavy drinkers really ‘not processing their booze,’ study says



A new study finds that saying heavy drinkers are “tolerable” is a misnomer.

Instead, people with alcohol use disorders (formerly called alcoholics) are given up to three hours of cognitive tests and Exercise testing showed significant impairment.

“There seems to be a general perception that experienced drinkers can handle alcohol,” said study co-author Nathan Didier. I have the macho stamina to take in and deal with it.” Research analyst at the University of Chicago Clinical Addiction Institute.

The study’s lead author, Andrea King, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral neuroscience at the University of Chicago, said the idea that increased exposure to alcohol makes people more tolerant to alcohol is a “social media and movies, it’s everywhere.”

“Our study found some support for increased tolerance,” said Dr. King, who specializes in alcohol rehabilitation research. It depends on the pace, how long it’s been since you’ve been drinking,” he said.

“This finding is important because only about 10% of people with alcohol use disorders are receiving treatment, and binge eating is on the rise, with men drinking five or more drinks and women drinking four or more,” King said. is,” he said. The first two hours are drinking. ”

Some people go beyond basic binge eating and drinking to so-called “strong drinking.” According to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, this pattern of drinking is defined as consuming twice as much alcohol as binge eating.

“This dangerous drinking pattern means drinking eight or more drinks at a time for women and ten or more for men.” Institute stated on the website.

The study was published Sunday in the journal Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research. The study analyzed three types of young adult drinkers (mostly in his 20s).e Chicago drinking party projectIt is an ongoing study started by King in 2004. The 397 participants included light drinkers, social drinkers, and people with alcohol abuse disorders.

light drinker According to King, it’s defined as people who drink up to six “standard” drinks per week but don’t overeat. in the United States, standard Drinks are approximately 0.6 fluid ounces or 14 grams of pure alcohol, depending on the type of adult drink consumed.

Professor King said moderate drinkers were not included in the study in order to clearly compare the effects of light and heavy drinking, adding: “People may overlap and confuse the distinctions. I didn’t want to,” he said.

The second group in the study was social heavy drinkers. Defined as someone who drinks at least 10 drinks per week and consumes heavy alcohol 1-5 times per month.

A third group included drinkers who met criteria for alcohol use disorders (28 or more drinks per week for men and 21 or more drinks per week for women) and who frequently binge or drank at least one-third of the days per month. It was

“In everyday life, this group drank an average of 38.7 drinks per week, compared to 2.5 for light drinkers and about 20 for heavy drinkers,” King said.

This group of people also needed to meet Other criteria Alcohol use disorders, such as being unable to cut back on drinking, drinking despite getting into trouble with family or friends, or getting into situations where they or others may be hurt.

People in all three groups were tested at two different time points. The first was with alcohol, and his first was with a placebo designed to mimic alcohol. However, study participants were told each time they might receive a stimulant, depressant, alcohol, or a placebo.

This intoxicating drink was a flavorful mixed drink with 190 proof grain alcohol and was measured by body weight to even out the effects of the booze across body types. Women, who metabolize alcohol differently than men and become more prone to intoxication, took doses 85% of what the men were given.

“The alcohol content of this drink was equivalent to four to five drinks with a breathalyzer reading of 0.08 to 0.09%, the standard for drunk driving,” Didier said.

Alcohol levels were tested at various intervals before and after drinking. Participants were asked at 30- and 180-minute intervals how much they felt impaired on a scale from ‘not at all’ to ‘extremely’.

participants too Subjects completed two cognitive performance tasks before drinking and at 30-minute intervals. One was a fine motor task that scored how quickly study participants were able to put the peg into the hole. The other was a paper-and-pencil task designed to test cognitive skills.

This study initially supported the notion that heavy drinkers can manage heavy drinking without impairment. At 30 minutes, both heavy drinkers and those with alcohol use disorders did well on cognitive tests, but light drinkers felt sedated and tired, King said. Neither heavy drinkers nor those with alcohol abuse disorder felt disabled when asked.

However, both groups performed equally poorly at driving pegs into holes, especially at 30 minutes. “We noticed that 30 minutes after consuming alcohol, all groups suffered similarly,” Didler said.

Bartender pouring whiskey into shot glass

Even though the alcoholic beverages used in the study were sufficient for all participants to exceed the legal limit, people with alcohol use disorders would drink more and more quickly, King said. Stated.

To see if people with this disorder were impaired by high levels of alcohol that approximated their normal intake, the researchers gave 60 participants with alcohol use disorders another drink. This drink contained 190 proof alcohol, equivalent to 7-8 standard drinks.

A study found that people with high-dose alcohol use disorders had a 50% increase in mental and motor impairment compared to those who consumed low doses. Additionally, performance did not fully return to baseline levels after 3 hours.

“What this study is doing is focusing on the limits of resistance,” Didier says. “Even if you have a lot of drinking experience, it does not mean that you are free from disability.




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