Hundreds of London firefighters undergo cancer tests, urge regular health checks
- Hundreds of firefighters in London screened for cancer and other health problems as part of the National Firefighter Health Surveillance Research Project conducted by the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) and commissioned by the Federation of Fire Brigades (FBU) was to receive
- Despite occupational cancer risks, UK firefighters are not currently provided with regular health checks
- FBU calls for urgent action to protect firefighters
Critical cancer monitoring by firefighters has begun in London as part of a new UK-wide research project commissioned by the Federation of Fire Brigades (FBU). The tests are being conducted by the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), led by world-renowned fire toxicity expert Professor Anna Steck, and will continue until 24 June.
Nearly 300 firefighters are participating by providing blood and urine samples for analysis for a number of biomarkers and toxic chemicals for cancer and other diseases. The results are used to detect cancer and other diseases early and to identify evidence linking occupational cancers to exposure to toxic fire-fighting chemicals.
The London Fire Service is working with the FBU and UCLan to facilitate inspections.
This follows a recent publication that found that cancer rates among British firefighters aged 35-39 were up to 323% higher than the general population in the same age group.
The testing project is the first to be conducted among British firefighters following the recent World Health Organization announcement that occupational exposures as firefighters are carcinogenic. Following London’s launch of tests in Tyne and Wear and Greater Manchester, the project aims to test a total of 1,000 firefighters across the UK.
FBU National Director Riccardo La Torre said:
This important study is making firefighters take action to address the serious health risks they face in the workplace. After decades of government and employer inaction, firefighters are doing enough to advance the protections needed to stop preventable deaths.
The study should serve as a wake-up call for employers. Regular health monitoring across the UK is urgently needed to detect occupational diseases early and save the lives of firefighters. The project is a good start, but now employers and governments need to show up and take responsibility. ”
FBU London Chairman Gareth Beaton said:
This research project will undoubtedly save firefighters’ lives, and we welcome the London Fire Brigade’s help with this cancer test. The study was commissioned by the Federation of Fire Brigade and partially funded by donations to the Firefighters Lottery.
Firefighters made this research possible, but now employers as a whole need to take this research seriously. These diseases are preventable and treatable. Now is the time to prevent and treat. ”
Anna Steck, Professor of Fire Chemistry and Toxicology at the University of Central Lancashire, said:
We are very pleased that the London Fire Service supports this project and recognizes its importance.
It is widely accepted that firefighters die from rare cancers up to 15 to 20 years earlier than the general population. Some of these cancers and other diseases are detected too late and are unlikely to be cured. Measures such as health monitoring go a long way in ensuring that firefighters are adequately protected. “
London Fire Chief Andy Low said:
Our firefighters must do their job as safely as possible. We are happy to support this research project to improve the fire rescue department’s understanding of the impact of exposure to pollutants on firefighter careers.
We have come a long way in understanding the hazards our employees face on the job and in protecting them, but this continues our research into the risks and impacts they can pose. is possible only if ”
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