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Identifying biomarkers for depression based on brain imaging — ScienceDaily

Identifying biomarkers for depression based on brain imaging — ScienceDaily


Major depressive disorder (MDD) is not only the most common mental illness, affecting more than 8% of Americans, but it is highly variable. Researchers have recently begun to make strides toward understanding the neurophysiology underlying various subtypes of depression, which may facilitate the development of better treatments, but remains Much remains undiscovered. Now, a new study in biopsychiatry published by Elsevier uses brain imaging to identify multiple subtypes of his MDD.

Biological Psychiatry editor John Crystal, M.D., said of the study: It is the basis of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which measures the degree of coordination across brain regions, also called “functional connectivity.” “

The researchers used resting-state fMRIs collected at multiple clinical sites from a large cohort of over 1,000 MDD patients and over 1,000 healthy controls (HC). This study used a so-called normative model that quantifies individual deviations using data from a large reference population, much like growth curves used by pediatricians. The investigators explored functional connectivity between brain regions and mapped individual functional deviations in MDD patients compared to this standard prediction over a lifetime.

Mingrui Xia, Ph.D., lead author of Beijing Normal University, said, “This approach allows us to identify two reproducible neurophysiological subtypes that exhibit distinct deviation patterns, depressive item scores, and long-term treatment predictability. It led to an identification,” he said.

Patients with one subtype show severe positive biases (indicative of increased brain connectivity) in the default mode network, limbic system, and subcortical regions, and negative biases in sensorimotor and attentional regions. rice field. Patients of the second subtype are characterized by a milder, opposite pattern of deviations, highlighting the heterogeneity of their depression at the neurophysiological level. The authors speculate that this altered activity may be related to rumination tendencies in patients with MDD.

This study is particularly exciting in that it moves the field toward the discovery of biomarkers, or biological markers, for depression, where diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis currently depend on patient-reported clinical symptoms. be. Biomarkers may offer ways to improve all these aspects of treatment for MDD.

Dr. Xia continued, “These findings shed light on the diverse neurobiological mechanisms in terms of the connectomics that underlie the complex clinical heterogeneity observed in patients with depression.” The implications of the study are far-reaching and provide valuable insight into the evolution of depression.” Image-based candidate biomarkers. These biomarkers have the potential to guide future precise diagnostic and therapeutic strategies tailored to the specific neurophysiological subtypes of each patient. “

“Employing the concept of neurophysiological subtypes has the potential to revolutionize the field of mental health by enabling clinicians to customize treatments based on an individual’s unique connectome characteristics,” said Dr. Xia. This approach opens up new avenues in precision medicine and holds promise.” To improve treatment interventions for depression. “




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