COVID-19 News Weekly Roundup: July 13th to July 16th | News
The news is moving pretty fast, and the number of COVID-19 cases in Oregon continues to grow. Daily Emerald has put together some of the top developments last week.
Lane County
In Lane County, 336 cases of COVID-19 have been identified since the beginning of the pandemic, putatively positive, and an increase of 52 cases since. July 12.. According to Lane County Public Health, 49 residents are currently infectious, 4 have been hospitalized, and 3 have suspected of being infected. data.. At least 30,884 tests have been performed on residents.
The Oregon Governor Kate Brown’s updated mask requirements include guidelines for outdoor public spaces and are effective throughout Oregon from July 15.
“Even if the encounter is too short to maintain a distance of 6 feet—whether on the sidewalk, on the sidewalk, or waiting in line, LCPH spokesman Jason Davis said in Live stream.. “If you find that you can’t be 6 feet, keep the mask at hand and put it on.”
The application for rent assistance to Lane County renters begins on July 15 and ends on Wednesday, July 22, at 11:59 pm. The funding provided by the Federal COVID-19 CARES Act is March 1-2020, according to the application. website.. A total of $5.1 million is available.
According to the applicable eligible households are selected via the lottery website.. Applicants can document loss of income as a direct result of COVID-19 or increase health risk if housing loss “causes applicant’s COVID-19-related health disorders” Or you need to be able to demonstrate a deterioration in your health.
According to Davis, Lane County does not host large-scale test events available to the general public to save resources for testing. LCPH seeks to use its resources in the most socially responsible manner and as a tool to track case spread.
“It doesn’t matter what you are reading or what you are looking at,” Davis said.
LCPH staff conducted a free COVID-19 test on Wednesday for front-line workers who did not have access to ongoing tests at the Lane Event Center. LCPH tested about 300 people Keji..
According to the Lane County community test, LCPH will hold a free test event for frontline workers at the Lane Event Center on July 29th from 1pm to 5pm. Web page..
University of Oregon
Three students from the University of Oregon have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past week. UO reported one new case on July 13th and two new cases on July 16th, bringing the total number of cases in the UO community to 35. UO reported the first case of a UO student on June 12.
According to the university updateIncreasing cases among UO students, “is a direct result of large and small gatherings, has no face mask, has a limited physical distance, and shares drinks and vapors.” Update , LCPH confirmed that the new case was connected to a cluster of college cases.
According to the UO update, the UO has appointed a University Task Force student on long-term response to COVID-19. Anthony Dillard, a three-year political science major, was the only student representative at the Task Force and was selected from over 80 applicants.
Whole state
Oregon has had 1,339 new cases of COVID-19 cases since July 12, making a total of 13,509 cases across the state since the pandemic. On July 16 alone, the Oregon Department of Health reported 437 new cases. A total of 249 deaths have been reported in Oregon, an increase of 15 from 12 July.
New mask requirements came into effect on Wednesday in Oregon in response to an increasing number of alarming cases across the state, Announcement From the governor’s office.
Oregon face cover requirements now apply to outdoor public spaces that cannot maintain a distance of 6 feet. Indoor meetings of more than 10 people are prohibited.
“The evidence here will be in numbers,” Brown said at a press conference on July 13. “Either of us will either comply with this requirement and be compelled to be a positive force to stop COVID-19 or to take more restrictive measures.”
Mr Brown said, “Our state will have to force a broad and difficult closure again unless Oregon slows the spread of the virus.”
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