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Ticks’ natural defenses may help improve anti-inflammatory drugs

Ticks’ natural defenses may help improve anti-inflammatory drugs
Ticks’ natural defenses may help improve anti-inflammatory drugs


LR: Prof. Martin Stone and Dr. Ram Bhusal, co-senior authors of the Nature Communications paper

A study led by Monash University reveals better ways to use ticks to fight the inflammation that causes so much suffering to people around the world.

of Monash Institute for Biomedical DiscoveryHis team “hijacked” an anti-inflammatory mechanism that ticks use to block the activity of proteins important in human inflammatory diseases.

Chronic inflammatory diseases such as atherosclerosis, pulmonary fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis and cancer cause much suffering worldwide.

The inflammation that accompanies this is caused by the release of proteins called chemokines in the affected tissues, and researchers are looking for ways to block their activity.

Conducted by the PhD student of the first author Shankar Devkota Published in Nature Communicationsthis study discovered a new family of tick salivary proteins called A3 evasins.

Because these evasins can block a large number of chemokines, it has been suggested that they may be repurposed to target chemokines involved in human inflammatory diseases.

By analyzing the 3D structures of these evasins and their interactions with chemokines, the team designed and engineered evasin mutants that inhibit chemokines involved in atherosclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Co-Senior Author Dr. Ram Bousalof, Monash Institute for Biomedical Discoverysaid this proof-of-principle study laid the groundwork for the future development of artificial evacins that could be used to develop improved inflammatory therapies.

“Ticks have naturally evolved the ability to block inflammation by chemokines, which allows them to remain on the host for long periods of time without being noticed by the host,” he said.

Dr. Busal said danievasine is special because current anti-inflammatory drugs are not designed to directly target chemokines.

“Evasin from ticks is a new class of anti-inflammatory agent with a unique mechanism of action that inhibits chemokines,” he said. “As such, they offer new perspectives and alternative strategies for reducing inflammation in the body.”

Co-Senior Author Professor Martin Stone Further research and clinical trials in humans are needed, but development is promising, he said.

“This finding is important because it opens up the possibility of developing a new generation of anti-inflammatory drugs,” he said. “These new drugs have the potential to improve treatment options for patients with chronic inflammatory diseases, saving lives and reducing suffering.”

Read the full paper Nature Communications: Development of Broad-Spectrum Inhibitors of Inflammatory Chemokines from Subclass A3 Danievasin.

Doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-39879-3

This research has been featured in the following media: sky news

This study was primarily funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and Monash University. This research is supported by the ARC Center of Excellence for Innovations in Peptide and Protein Science (chips).

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Committed to making discoveries that will reduce the burden of future disease, Monash Institute for Biomedical Discovery Monash University (BDI) brings together over 120 internationally renowned research teams. Monash BDI is one of Australia’s largest biomedical research institutions, spanning seven discovery programs spanning cancer, cardiovascular disease, development and stem cells, infectious diseases, immunology, metabolism, diabetes and obesity, and neuroscience. Our researchers are supported by world-class technology and infrastructure, partnering with industry, clinicians and researchers around the world to improve people’s lives through discovery.




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