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Intermittent fasting is the best option

Intermittent fasting is the best option
Intermittent fasting is the best option


A person checks his blood sugar level.Share on Pinterest
A new study finds that intermittent fasting may help people with type 2 diabetes lose weight.Caike de Abreu/Getty Images
  • Maintaining a healthy weight is important for people with diabetes to manage their blood sugar levels.
  • A new study shows that timed eating is more effective for weight loss than counting calories.
  • Two reasons fasting can help you lose weight are its simplicity and its impact on hormones.
  • However, diabetics should be careful to limit meal times, especially if they are on medication.

around it 37 million One in ten Americans is diagnosed with diabetes, and the majority have diabetes. Type 2 diabetes. Of these individuals, at most 90% Are overweight or obese.

New research results shared this week nutrition 2023, The flagship conference of the American Academy of Nutrition is the traditional calorie restriction Not the most effective way to lose excess weight for people with type 2 diabetes.

Instead, researchers suggest that timed eating, also known as intermittent fasting, where you eat only food within eight hours, is a more beneficial approach for those wanting to lose weight.

The study is currently under peer review and awaiting publication, but the results highlight additional possibilities for people with type 2 diabetes who want to lose weight and improve. Blood glucose level level.

Previous studies have investigated the effectiveness of different diet approaches in obese patients. However, no researchers have investigated the potential impact of time-restricted diets on people with obesity and her type 2 diabetes.

The new research was led by RDN PhD student Vicky Pavlou. University of Illinois at Chicagoenrolled 75 obese adults with type 2 diabetes. Participants between the ages of 18 and 80 were divided into three groups: a control group, a calorie-restricted group, or a time-restricted eating group.

Those in the control group continued to eat as usual, and those on calorie restriction cut their maintenance calorie intake (the amount needed to maintain their current weight) by 25%. They could eat at any time of the day.

On the other hand, the restricted eating group was not assigned a calorie goal, track calorie intake — but you could only eat from noon to 8pm every day.

For support, participants in both groups met with a nutritionist once a week for the first three months of the study and every other week for the remaining three months.

“The nutritionist helped me through all my dieting challenges and gave me general nutrition advice,” Pavlou explained to Healthline. read the label And understanding calories. ”

Participants stayed on the diet for 6 months. After this period, the caloric restriction group experienced no weight loss compared to the control group. On the other hand, the restricted eating group lost an average of 3.55% of their weight compared to the control group.

“What surprised me was that [calorie restriction] the group did not lose more weightsaid Pavlou. “In most studies, [time-restricted eating] Calorie restricted groups lose the same amount of weight. ”

In addition, both the time-restricted diet and calorie-restricted groups showed lower mean blood glucose levels as measured by HbA1c compared to the control group.

The findings are important because they offer another potential weight-loss strategy for people with type 2 diabetes, Pavlou said.

“Some people find it difficult calculate calories“Some people don’t have weekly or monthly support and need eating patterns that are easy to follow, like keeping an eye on the clock.”

There are several reasons why intermittent fasting and restricted diets are more effective in promoting weight loss.

After analyzing the data, we found the following: [time-restricted eating] The group was more loyal to their diet than the others. [calorie restriction] group,” Pavlou explained.

But why? [time-restricted eating] The group reported that this diet was easy to follow,” she said. On the other hand, “at least half of the participants [calorie restriction] This group reported difficulty sticking to the diet. ”

Another major factor is the difference in calorie reduction between the two groups. The researchers “reduced their intake by 313 calories per day” in the timed eating group, even though they were instructed not to reduce or track their caloric intake, Pavlou said.

However, the calorie-restricted group only lost an average of 197 kcal per day, despite actively reducing their calorie intake.

” [time-restricted eating] The group only had eight hours to consume calories, so they naturally reduced their intake (no snacking or drinking after breakfast or dinner),” Pavlou said. “I, [calorie restriction] The group could have done better, but I don’t think they tracked very accurately or consistently enough. ”

Kelsey CostaMS, a registered dietitian and health research expert at the National Health Council (NCHC), who was not involved in the study, agreed that tracking calories can be difficult for some people.

“Traditional methods of counting calories and tracking food intake can be time consuming,” she told Healthline.

“Even with the help of calorie tracking apps, it can feel overwhelming to closely plan and monitor your daily meals, especially for those with busy lifestyles.”

A timed meal is a type of meal. intermittent fasting Meals are consumed over a shorter time frame (usually 4-12 hours).

By alternating feeding and fasting phases, “the basic idea is that this pattern can have a positive impact on nutrition.” metabolismregulates hormones, regulates physiological processes, and ultimately enhances cardiometabolic health,” Costa said.

During “fasting” periods, the body relies on stored fat for energy. “This metabolic process promote weight loss It’s about leveraging internal resources,” Costa explained to Healthline.

However, dietary restrictions are thought to promote weight loss through other means as well, such as reducing snacking.

This fasting approach “may also help regulate hormones associated with hunger and satiety, leading to a reduction in calorie intake,” Costa said.

Furthermore, she added: “Studies suggest that eating at limited times can be beneficial. improve insulin sensitivity It can reduce inflammation and improve blood sugar control and weight loss. ”

Although intermittent fasting and restricted eating are thought to have benefits, there are also risks and side effects to be aware of, especially for people with diabetes.

First of all, “improper implementation or lack of guidance can result in: Malnutrition, electrolyte imbalancedehydration,” Costa explained.

Another important consideration is the effect that eating at restricted times will have on the medications you are taking to control your diabetes.

“Some diabetes drugs require food for absorption, and they are not absorbed if you are fasting,” he said. Doctor. Pohya ShaphipurBoard Certified Family Physician and Obesity Medicine Physician at Providence St. John’s Health Center.

Additionally, “certain diabetes medications lower blood sugar levels rapidly,” Shaphipour told Healthline. “Fasting exposes you to the following dangers:” low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), which can be life threatening. ”

If diabetics start eating on time-restricted diets, it is recommended that they work with their doctors to closely monitor their blood sugar levels, he said. Doctor.Revital Gorodeski BaskinAssistant Professor of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, and Director of the Obesity Program at the Center for Diabetes and Metabolism, University Hospital.

She explained that she could quickly adjust her meds (if needed) to address any issues. hypoglycemia effect.

It’s also important to note that having a timed meal doesn’t mean you can eat all your favorite sweet treats and French fries.

“The quality of food choices [time-restricted eating,]’ said Costa. “Unhealthy diet processed food And high-calorie snacks will probably counteract any problem. weight loss benefits related to this dietary approach. ”

It is imperative to consult your doctor before adopting any new diet method.

Costa shared that many factors, such as the body’s response to insulin, can make weight loss more difficult for people with type 2 diabetes. loss of mental healthesorry It is often associated with diabetes (such as depression) and drug therapy.

Still, maintaining a moderate weight is very important for people with these conditions. metabolic disordersBy doing so, Blood sugar management and reduce the risk of health-related complications.

The good news is that you don’t have to go down multiple clothing sizes to reap the health benefits.

“Even a small percentage of weight loss insulin resistance It improves symptoms as well as diabetes,” said Gorodeski-Baskin.

New research supports the role of time-restricted eating and intermittent fasting in weight loss, but Gorodeski Baskin believes calorie restriction still plays a role.

“We recommend consistent [calorie restriction] In most patients and often encourage [time-restricted eating] likewise,” she said. “I think the combination of these two measures of hers will help improve diabetes.”

What you eat is just as important as how much you eat.

Shaphipour said “significantly reducing intake of simple starches, sugars and preservatives” could help people with diabetes lose weight.

Instead, “Aim to eat lower,” he continued. carbohydrates a Mediterranean diet rich in vegetable fats, legumes, fiber, colorful vegetables, seasonal whole fruits, and fish. ”

But monitoring your food intake (or clock) isn’t the only approach to help you lose weight.

Gorodeski Baskin said:strength training Exercise often helps with weight loss because it helps increase your metabolic rate. ”

Additionally, not eating three hours before bed, engaging in daily exercise, and optimizing sleep are all ways to promote weight loss and improve diabetes, Shafipour said.

New research shows that traditional calorie restriction isn’t the most effective way to lose excess weight for people with type 2 diabetes. Instead, experts suggest that time-restricted eating, also known as intermittent fasting, where you eat only food within eight hours, is a more beneficial approach for those wanting to lose weight.




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