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According to Mount’s evidence, masks may help avoid serious illness even if you get COVID-19


Los Angeles—Masks may offer wearers more protection than they have achieved.

While the simple act of wearing a mask in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has become a politically imposed topic throughout the United States and social media, most public health officials and physicians Hardened the main reason for the effectiveness of: New Coronavirus.

Researchers and scientists are now learning that wearing a mask not only reduces viral infections, but that even if they become infected with the new coronavirus, they may help avoid major illnesses. is.

The hypothesis will be explained in the next article, which will be announced next week in the Journal of General Internal Medicine. This further publishes the second theory. Wearing a mask can actually be mild if you get COVID-19.

This article was co-authored by Dr. Monica Gandhi, a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco and director of the HIV clinic at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital.

“When I put all these data together, I’m really looking forward to an intervention that isn’t as difficult as we think we can get it done,” Gandhi said.

From a perspective that has received little attention in the past, it outlines a unique perspective on why universal public masking during the COVID-19 pandemic should be one of the most important pillars of disease control.

Gandhi supports the theory of masking out most viral particles that enter the body. The lower the dose, the less likely it is to get sick.

“Actually, you won’t get sick at all or you won’t get any symptoms,” Gandhi said.

That is, respiratory volume can be directly the same as the severity of the infection. Therefore, even if the test for COVID-19 is positive, masks help prevent serious viral-related illnesses and outcomes.

Other studies support Gandhi’s theory.

“A lot of things really back it up,” Gandhi said.

1 InvestigationIt was discovered at Oxford University Press that surgical mask partitions significantly reduced the infection and severity of the new coronavirus among hamsters. Mask dividers reduced the virus load in infected hamsters because it was found to contain less virus in the body than infected hamsters without a mask.

“If they were masked, they were less likely to get infected, and even if they got, they were mildly infected,” Gandhi added.

Gandhi mentioned another Investigation, Investigated passengers and crew on an isolated cruise ship in Argentina during the COVID-19 Pandemic. All passengers and crew were masked, and of the 217 passengers and crew aboard, 81% of those infected with COVID-19 were asymptomatic.

Gandhi also An example Over 100 workers at a seafood processing plant in Oregon have been found to be COVID-19 positive. The factory needed universal masking and the overwhelming majority (95% of workers) were asymptomatic.

the same happened Two weeks ago, Universal Masking was needed at the Tyson Chicken Factory in Arkansas. In this case, out of 481 infected, 455 were asymptomatic, which also led to an asymptomatic rate of 95%.

Studies highlight that universal masking may help achieve higher rates of asymptomatic infections. In the viral pandemic, Gandhi says one of his goals is to find ways to transition to milder disease symptoms.

Gandhi said there is plenty of ecological evidence to further support evidence of masking and mild illness.

Gandhi’s next article cites other nations, but those nations were extensively obscured, and as a result the less severe illnesses associated with them were not seen.

“Countries that have become accustomed to masking Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, Singapore, etc. since the 2003 SARS-CoV pandemic, and countries that have newly adopted masking such as the Czech Republic in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Has made good progress in terms of severe illness and mortality.”

A person wearing a face mask is crossing the street during a coronavirus outbreak in Hong Kong, China, on July 24, 2020.

The article states that mortality rates remain low even if the incident reappears in an area where universal masking occurred upon resumption.

This poses a question: can it quickly turn things around once the majority of the population starts wearing masks?

Gandhi said there is much evidence pointing to Jesus.

“The simple intervention is the mask. The mask prevents others from getting infected, and the mask protects you when the virus load is high. Even if you get it, you are very It will be a mild infection, and that is the way we are trying to get through it,” Gandhi said.

And many officials and other experts agree that wearing a mask can improve a country’s pandemic.

Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said in July that COVID-19 pandemics could be controlled within weeks if all Americans wore masks.

“I think the data is clearly there. Masking works. Whether it covers the face or a simple surgical mask,” Redfield said.

The CDC director said that if the Americans now accept masking and tighten it, the United States can see relatively rapid changes in the pandemic trajectory.

“I think if we can get everyone to wear a mask right now, we can really control the epidemic for the next four, six, or eight weeks,” Redfield said.

But the strong stance against masking was not originally a case among world health leaders. In April, the World Health Organization did not recommend population-level face masking, but in June it changed its guidance.

In March, U.S. surgeon Jerome Adams said that the general public would not have to wear or buy a mask to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, but this month Adams was among the new evidence of a masking effect. Changed his tone dramatically.

Adams said the United States could delay a new novel coronavirus infection in a couple of weeks if everyone plays a role by following CDC guidelines such as wearing masks and social distances.

“We learned more about asymptomatic spread. Up to 50% of people who can spread this disease can spread it even in the absence of symptoms. That’s why you need to know that it’s about giving you the best recommendation you can,” Adams said.

according to The widely quoted coronavirus pandemic model As the White House used, tens of thousands of lives could be saved in the United States if almost everyone wears a mask publicly over the next few months.

A University of Washington Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) prediction compared different actions to control the spread of COVID-19.

“People need to know that wearing a mask can reduce the transmission of the virus by as much as 50%, and the people who reject it are jeopardizing lives, families, friends, and communities,” IHME said. Stated in a statement.

In June, Dr. Richard Davis, head of the Clinical Microbiology Lab at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Washington, twitter Results of an experiment demonstrating the effectiveness of wearing a facial cover in an ongoing pandemic.

Doctors’ experiments have shown how effective masks are in blocking respiratory spray from an individual’s mouth. All the actions performed without the mask almost covered the Petri dish of bacteria, whereas the actions performed with the mask barely touched the Petri dish.

Also, one doctor overturned the allegation that wearing a facial cover negatively impacted the wearer’s oxygen levels in an experiment attempted to prove that someone who slanders the mask was wrong.

Dr. Maitiu O Tuathail, who is based in Dublin, said on Twitter that patients are repeatedly asking if the mask affects oxygen levels.He answered questions and tested, and he found the results Have not shown a drop in oxygen levels.

However, Davis has found the material of your mask important.

Recent research from Florida Atlantic University,”Fluid physicsHas discovered which type of mask provides the best protection from the new coronavirus.

Researchers have experimented with different choices of materials and designs to “determine how much a facemask blocks a droplet as it comes out of its mouth,” by Siddhar Tavelma and his team.

Researchers have found that a snug homemade mask with multiple layers of quilted cotton provides the best protection. Researchers have found that these masks have significantly reduced the number of drops.

Research continues to show that masks are important, but Verma said they do not replace social distance.

“If you look at the visuals, you can see that even the best masks have a lot of leaks from the sides and top,” said Barma. “So masks aren’t 100% effective. Using masks doesn’t bring the risk of infection to zero. So it’s very important to use a combination of masks and social distances. .”

There are now over 4 million known cases of new coronaviruses in the United States, resulting in more than 140,000 deaths over the course of five months. The United States is the world leader in confirmed cases and deaths.

Cases of COVID-19 continue to increase in many states, including California, which surpassed New York on Wednesday with confirmed infections. According to John Hopkins University, California had over 409,500 cases on Wednesday, making it the most prevalent state in the United States.

Wednesday Democratic Party California Senator Diane Feinstein again called for national mask requirements, according to the Associated Press. “We need federal-level authority that requires masks uniformly across the country,” she said in a statement. “This is not a political issue.”

“It’s very rare for Americans to wear a mask. That’s how to get over this pandemic,” Gandhi said.

Gandhi believes we are not going to eradicate the virus, but now is the time to control it and stay on top of it. Her opinion does not echo last week’s comment by Anthony Facui that the virus will not be eradicated.

Forchi, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Said earlier this week The new coronavirus is likely to stay here.

“I think we can finally control it. The major infectious disease specialists in the United States don’t think we really can eradicate it. What we get is cautiously optimistic. “I think we can control this very well when we put all three together,” Forch said.



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